Where is the MP 717(r)?

I wanted to by some of this biests and they are gone. Why are thy not in the techtree?

Mannichler 93
Breda (soviet)
Thompson (soviet)
Mp 717

Are removed, but who purchased them before stalingrad keep them


yep if i had known that merge was gonna happen i would have buy at least 4 more mp717

man i bet in the future someone gonna ask this question again

they are inside my inventory


at least you’re not like me where I have to make a second account and I have an account where I have it and I didn’t want to grind that campaign because I already grinded on another account.

oh why do you have 2 account tho?

I’m originally from Xbox but then migrated to PC after my console died

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oh ok i see

Most elegant rifle axis possess, after the sniper g98.

Glad I bough 50. Still relevant at br 3, they keep damage over distance well!


yea i do like the mannichler too but sadly i didnt know that they were gonne be remove

i thought it would be keep since i dont remember seeing it on the remove list

oh there is 2 version i thought it got completely remove


You evolved.


And lost all my stuff and my suppressed MP40 from the event

That’s some proper pain.


I know and I grinded stalingrad As an F2P on Xbox

Like there’s a cooler kiraly 39 in there? And ppsh is just a collection.

It’s sad

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F macho, i bought 50 of them in case we can sell them in the gaijing market.

You can’t sell what you already have on your account.

Do you know what is the gaijing market?

Ok i make a preeorder. Lol.