The gun comes with 100 rounds…
But where do they come from?
It’s like magic!
Suggestion: Please fix the gun animation, and include a drum-magazine to hold the 100 bullets. (or whatever kind of magazine was used).
In it’s current state, the Cönders is super fun to play with… but it looks really cheesy.
Note: I found a solution to fight back against the US Paratroopers and their 100 round Thompsons… Which is an assault squad armed with 3 Cönders MG 
This isn’t first beltfed weapon in Enlisted. But you are right, I really don’t like how they look too.
Yeah, they all need work.
well you see, when a daddy bullet loves a mommy bullet very much…


Not the best I’ve made but I was in a rush.
How do you get a 3rd one? I have 2 and doesn’t show me an optoin for a 3rd 
I think you can buy it in Normandy and Berlin campaigns two times each. And you can just transfer it into your preferable one.
It won’t last. The new US premium squad is already on it’s way, rumored to feature 400 round Stinger LMGs and a further piece of top secret military equipment 
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Games always have problem withold belt fed weapons as many of them didn’t have any way of attaching ammo box to them. See M1919.
Though this is “” “SMG” “” so I guess designers have added such feature.
buy the conder in Berlin, and transfer it over 
You do understand that now I’m obliged to create a “SheepleRnutz is unbalanced and is breaking the game” thread?

The funniest of them all is premium DP in berlin, ammo belt is invisible until you shot for the first time. (I think it still isn’t fixed) .
Nobody knows - there was only ever 1 built, and it wasn’t complete when captured.
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The question is… Is it MG or SMG lmao?
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Enlisted is not good at making belt feed weapons
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That would be a very entertaining post lol