When will Japan get balanced?

It’s ridiculous. Nothing but pain.


When you get players

….aight so can someone care to explain how this is a violation of the forum’s rules?


Unfortunately Japan will remain as a pain forever. It’s better to stop playing Japan and switch to the allies for a relaxing time.


Actual Weakling

anyway, playing as japan isn’t that actually bad, if you manage to find competent teammates.

the opposition has more numbers though. or actual players.

so if you want to " balance " things out, get some friends to play japan with you. or group up with people over the discord.

ideally, you want a player with a tank destroyer / planes, and the other on foot coordinating between the flanks and the actual point.

don’t forget rallies and trucks ( even though, the dirty windshield is your biggest enemy ).



Japan has received buff in the last update (soldiers are smaller) and always has been the easiest faction to play.

Lol the win rate means nothing.


What a joke

Is that why in the replays I saw you playing as Japan you were putting barbed wire around friendly rally points and blowing up your own tank in the bridge to block friendly vehicles?


Hold tight. Japan is going to recieve its BR 5 goodies in the coming week or so. I foresee an influx of new players and veterans alike. Just like what had happened when the Pacific first dropped. I don’t know if this is correct or not but people say that BR 4 Japan has got a pretty competitive player base to be honest.


It’s not bad if the players are competent, as always. The weapons aren’t bad like some people are saying, the only problem is as always the Jumbo (though I see it very rarely) and the rocket spam, especially HVARs and RP-3s. Funnily enough, you can kill the Jumbo with the AT rifle grenade from the side:)
The only thing Japan needs right now is a remake of its tank line - move the Chi-Nu and Na-To to tier III and give us the Chi-To and possibly Chi-Ri in tier IV.
What Japan does not need (and what will hurt it and the whole game in a long run) is tier V filled with fictional vehicles and assault rifles.


I guess I will remember that guys name.

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Yeah. The latter seems to be coming pretty soon I guess. At this point we can just wait and see how it turns out.

Yep, unless it has changed since I lasted played BR4 Japan which was a week ago.

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Yep. I don’t have any idea as well. I last played Japan before the merge.

This is not me. If you have a problem, then report it to the staff with a link to replay.

I play everyday and never got banned for anything.

Same name, same premium Japanese plane, same name decorator as in the replay?

Just played against you :joy:


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I play everyday and never got banned for anything. Goodbye.

Yeah like that’s gonna fix anything


Nothing is going to fix anything unless the playerbase grows. Currently we are sitting at roughly 30,000 players playing on a daily basis. Unless we get a massive influx of new players accompanying the Steam release we will continue to see these severely unpopulated queues.

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Japanese need a faction specific asymmetrical balance pass, their arsenal isn’t going to save them considering that most of the stuff that can be added is either from WW1 or Interwar period and were barely used or experimental. Most of it would probably be reserved for premium shop items for the whales.

For balance ideas I would suggest the Japanese get:

  • An innate passive buff to their crawl speed, melee attack speed, and the ability to wade through bushes and vegetation faster than any other faction.

  • A debugged Lunge Mine. It was effective before the bugs disabled the damage on the Lunge Mine and the Japanese sorely need their suicidal boomstick for the heavier sherman tanks they run into now. There have been so many times I’ve found myself within slapping distance to a Sherman tank but can’t do anything to it with my Lunge Mines.

  • A short fuse mechanic for their grenades, having a hand grenade equipped in your main hand and melee charging with it would shorten the grenades fuse and make honorabru suicidal banzai bombings more effective.

  • Type 99 Magnetic Mines, basically heavy weight magnetic versions of the explosive bundle for anti-tank.

  • Faction specific buildables like steel pillboxes and Type 41 76.2mm coastal defense guns


  • Most importantly, the Knee Mortar needs a direct fire option while deployed, it was historically infamous for being used as a suppressive grenade launcher just as much as it was a field mortar. It was to a point the IJA had dedicated Knee Mortar teams take the role of LMG teams suppressing US positions with barrages of direct fire from their mortars.

The Japanese need more faction specific special attributes more than any other faction atm simply because it’s Japan, they got stomped hard in WW2 and they hardly had any wunderwaffle technology to fall back on unlike the Germans.