What weapon to get with Gold Order?

I just got my 1st gold order for a weapon, what would be the best pick out of the current options ?

Can you guys suggest 1-2 low BR and 1-2 high BR weapon to pick ? Im mainly playing Germany and Allies for now, but if the Soviets or Japan has a better pickup im more or less interested in them too, as once i got the 2 nation i started to a proper BR III line-up im planning on starting a 3rd nation too.

If i go by the rule of cool, im looking towards the suppressed PPSH or the BSA Thompson, but im open to suggestions.

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Personally, I’d save them up for the High BR type stuff.


I was recently using French M24/29 and it’s been pretty fun so far (W.A.R is probably a better investment), BSA 1929 is also a good pick 20 rounds in high damaging smg but hor recoil can be brutal at longer ranges.

For Germany they only have bad low BR GO weapons, i would only buy mid BR weapons like FN 1930, don’t buy Mors or MG35 or Lahti they are not worth it.

Soviet RPK is pretty cool it’s a mini BAR at BR2 i dunno about Yazikov i don’t really want to waste my GO on pistol.


Just pick whatever you think is cool.


For BR 3 allies, definitely the WAR. BR 2, probably the Chatellerault. Germany, idk, don’t play it much, but I think FN model 1930. And if you wanna save it for BR 5 allies, then the Bren MK1 100.

Mostly i was thinking of the BSA Thompson, for BR II i was using the Sten for now, is it similar in terms of accuracy and recoild ? Or significantly worse ?

If i go by the rule of cool, it would be the BSA Thompson or the Suppressed PPD-BraMit. What is the oppinion on that 2 ?

Both are very decent. Bramit is way better. But it’s too high BR for your current lineup.

It’s a sidegrade to Sten you sacrifice rof and mag size for higher kill potential at close ranges.

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It has way better sights than sten

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I think I will grab one of the BSA for 1st than and see how it does.

I just got my hands on this NKVD squad , i was thinking of maybe equiping a 2nd Assaulter with the Bramits, so i have 2 decentyl high squad to try out the NKVD guys.

I will grab 1 BSA from the BP for now & 1 Bramit in 4 days from the event to check how they feel in the practice at least. And if i get the 2nd GO from BP maybe i get the RPK to have a workable MG for my low BR soviets … the Madsen just feels very bad.

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More impotantly, what to do with golden troop orders?
All buyable things with golden troop orders are junk low level nuggets.

Why dont they come up something that is remotely beneficial?

20% Gain More Experience? Yeah right ,I have soon 7 Million Research Points

Japan can get the FN BAR.
Since their lmgs are… meh… that can help you carry your faction a lot. It’s an excellent one.

Not needed since release of KE7.

Forgot that piece. How is it compared to a BAR?

I have nearly every “meta” GO weapon for Germany and the USA so here’s my rundown.

For the USA, you need only the BSA Thompson for low BR but for high BR, you’d want to get either the Farquhar Hill, T20E1, or Bren MK1 with 100 round pan mag.

For the European Axis (Germany/Italy), you should be focus on exclusively high BR GO weapons since the low level ones are redundant or an objective downgrade.

There are three weapons you should think about, those being the Condors 100 round SMG, the Costa Rican Breda rifle, Drum mag Mondragon or the MKB 42 (Walther).

For the USSR, only the LAD SMG is good, the others have hidden but still noteworthy downsides.

For Imperial Japan, due to the overall lack of weapons, you really should be getting the Hotchkiss Model 1922 MG since everything else is redundant due to numerous tech tree weapons having similar performance as them.

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I would not invest in that one. there’s 4 mkb family weapons in the tech tree (one of them is the scoped STG44) and all of them are better than this gold order…


I haven’t played much with it yet, like 5 games max. So I don’t have any complex opinion on it. I haven’t even studied the stats much.

The only thing im sure of is that vertical perks are a must. And those 5 extra rounds are really helpful.

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for germany get the

conders and the breda pg ( hg br )

and for low tier the lathi saloranta