What we want for Enlisted in 2024

-Better AI for bots
-Working bibods for LMG
-BUG fixes

these would be top 3 for me :slight_smile:

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The problem with Japan USSR battles is the game is balanced for USSR Germany, even the Americans suffer when seeing high tier German tanks
so what spread the suffering let Japan players get stomped by high level USSR tanks

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I think ultimately Italy and Britain will become separate factions - which shouldn’t influence match making at all when Soviets also get to be matched against Japan.

Like think about it, the biggest fear is that too many factions will separate the playerbase and create potential empty lobbies again - however I don’t see this being a potential risk.

If you have too many US players and not enough German players for whatvever reason, those US players can get matched with Japanese or

Or if the devs add Italy as a campaign they can even Mix Italians and Germans late war gear together.

Not enough Japanese players? Then more US and British play against Germany or Italy. Too many Japanese players? Then the MM will make the Japanese fight Soviets.

I don’t see the MM suffering as long as you have factions that can play against more than one faction alone.

Now when it comes down to balancing those factions, it is absolutely possible to achieve fair BRs and total faction balance which should be the priority no matter what.
The problem is not in balance, but rather fitting this balance into historical accuracy (or at least some sort of WW2 immersion and believability).
If the devs are determined to make a faction like Japan or potential future factions participate in BR5, it will be impossible to achieve a fair endgame without the use of prototypes - which is especially gonna be problematic with max BR AT weapons.

Personally I feel like I would rather see Soviet prototype launchers than them constantly using German Panzerfausts. So the question indeed is whether you want prototypes or duplicates.

British and Italian factions don’t seem problematic, but Chinese or French? How would one even start to balance those out?

Yeah I really want to see Kursk, Sicily, Market Garden, and some more Allied and Soviet action inside of Germany.

Easiest fix would be to make the USSR vs Japan maps more ‘tank unfriendly’. Like featuring mostly buildings, trenches and bunkers. Having Hills and other obstacles that break line of sight and force the tanks to come close etc.
Even if tanks are unbalanced between those factions, it’s less of an issue when tank combat doesn’t matter much to begin with.

I am Entirely fine with duplicate issues. If it is within reason to be in the game what I want most is this gameto have everything that was in the war, but things like the maus I feel hard to justify. So a few exclusions are acceptable. You take the items added and make duplicates of stats, (I feel the RM-40 is a example of them forgetting to update) and adjust from there. Even if it means dropping a tanks armour a little or the reload of a bolt action. These items I really want to see is the RPG-1 perfect for a Panzerfaust replacement, and the perishing (announced already)

The MM issue isn’t as bad as the Devs think if they put enough care into it. Like you said, fighting when not enough rival factions and it spread to the second. It is a solid idea but I’m worried DF will somehow mess it up. Looking at you Tier 3. If they do it right it can work really well if it can auto switch factions faught if they have enough players.

Prototypes are what Japan will need, maybe other factions. Were not likely to get another faction for a while. I would love to see the French or Polish. The tech tree is already partly in the game for these just some hidden by datamine or removed.

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