What we want for Enlisted in 2024

What do you have in mind?
Write down what you want and go here.
I want more truck squads, about 3 squads per faction as I want to use them per BR.
I don’t mind adding just a different skinned version of an existing track, or even an additional premier squad.
I would like additional tracks anyway.


Larger maps, larger cap zones, better Ai

Edit to add that larger maps = more time to obj = better defender experience = actual engineer meta = APC/flanking rallies value


Better economy, No rng soldier , less grinding , universal upgrade points for squads


Big action as an official gamemode, better gore, better AI, better animations, stalingrad only into low br matches, more maps, and fix the modsmemory limit bug


I agree 100%. :grinning:


mine are;

  • custom matches improvements

  • better animations

  • decent customization with fixes and all clothing available for it. ( outside special ones such as ghillies or lebermuster camouflages ) with patches on shoulders / helmets too.

  • missing / basic faction decals

  • ability to select camouflages for gold order, bikes, apcs, events and premium vehicles.

  • more apcs

  1. total overhaul of animations, I am quite sure the animation development team does not exist in gajin at this point, how can you release pay content and not have animated steering wheel?

  2. tweaks with game modes balance,

  • invasions often are stalemates due to bad attackers
  • confrontation is sooo confusing
  • assault is defender biased
    etc… so there’s issues.
  1. tweaks in respawn mechanic so the game isn’t as much a meatgrinder as is it now.

  2. adjustments to BR, UI, tier system… it’s just confusing, eg: tiers not being represented in br is just madness, how an average player would know this while even I haven’t and I spend waaay too much time searching for stuff. That says it all.

  3. more vechicles, expand the map, more players

  4. B I P O D S


More and better animations, larger maps, more players 20vs20, and more vehicles to use in battle 4 tanks and 4 planes.


Better customization, better looking uniforms (Jap uniforms are a weird color)

Map playable space being larger

Early War France “campaign”

Rework of BR system


I would love to see more maps. And I think this game is in desperate need of them. Especially for eastern front.

Plus campaign soviet vs Japanese should be next main goal of this game.


I want bipods.


It would be good to get the weapons research in order. After the new update I own a tank and before that I have unresearched machines. If that’s the way it’s supposed to be, why aren’t the previous ones unlocked already ??

-The research contains weapons with different names but the parameters are the same. Weapons with the same characteristics I would remove.

-Weapon research is quite confusing in that I can research BR V weapons but then I can’t buy them because I haven’t researched the weapons before. I don’t understand why that is the case here.

  • Finding a unit in research is also difficult. Units should either have their own research or at least a note on the weapon which unit it is. At the moment I have to open the weapon and only find out what unit it is.

-More map rotations. Out of 20 games I still have Stalingrad and Moscow the most. On a given BR III all maps should be rotating.

  • Operation WINTER FANTASY… here if this operation will be again in 2024 I would like to see a better clarity of progress like BATTLE PASS.

-the ability to turn off a map I don’t want to play. After the new update, one is forced to play maps one does not want to play.

I would still have more to see though and it should be changed or mainly fixed,

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  • Improved customization
  • bipods
  • ability to purchase Italian/British squads and soldiers of all class.
  • Extensive customization overhaul
  • more maps
  • more weapons, vehicles, squads, just STUFF
  • more Engineer constructs
  • pipe dream of more historically refined BR/matchmaking whatever

-Better AI
-Bigger maps (so objectives are not 50-60 metres apart as they are now on some maps)
-More USSR premium squads (or a few old ones), as well as American and germans
-More added to early game tech tree (like the Winchester 1907, Sterling SMG, T-38, etc)
-new game modes
-more to late game tech tree
-Weapon and bug fixes/balancing
-More Japanese and Russian maps, relating to wars between these factions
-All para troopers get dynamic box
-stop tiger/tiger 2, IS-2 spam
-No more carousel squads (as was promised but we never got)

Even just a few of these would work


Italy and Britain

  • separate research of SMG’s and shotguns

  • more Japanese equipment

  • larger battles with more squads

  • larger battlefields for longer battles

  • less grind to unlock gear

  • separate research from squads, and allow research not for one weapon but a small amount for all applicable weapons

  • more customization of soldier, uniforms, hair, so on


Better not to sully the thread with this.

Your video shows you getting destroyed by a player with rifle grenades, spawning a new squad and running straight for that player to get destroyed again.

So. You want players from a continent removed because of this?

Best to walk away from this thread.


Phosphor ap mines to spam more mines to kill this game :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like a lot of people are looking for better animation. I agree. :grinning:

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