What should be next priority after Super Pershing?

Well, free ones would be cool.

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You’re out of your mind if you think a Tank Destroyer is the equivalent of a Super Heavy Tank.

If you say so, lol.

Tank Destroyers were historically pretty thin on armour, but with a high-pen main armament. A glass cannon, if you will.

I certainly wouldn’t compare most TDs to a Super Heavy.

Well, I compared JT to T95. And I think that’s pretty fair comparison gameplay wise.

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Isn’t true

75mm frontal armour
45mm in the side
And a 105mm cannon

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Frontal armour was usually pretty thick, but in order to maintain speed, a lot of TDs sacrificed rear and side armour in order to weild a larger, or more effective main gun.

End war TD usually are heavy armoured even in the side, they sure can’t be compared to the t28 btw

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Lol. No, that’s only certain countries like the US who preferred mobility and response time to enemy armor charges
Soviets and Germans built rolling bunkers