I would really like to see cromwell and comet added to the game
Now that you have mentioned that!
Once British nation became more prominent, we need Centaur IV with its 95mm howitzer as well.
It’s literally the opposite to comet. One of the most silly looking vehicles. :PP
And it could be very fun in enlisted.
does this count too?
No, it’s just over sized cannon. It’s like calling Pak 40 a vehicle.
doesn’t help being named with one of the most generic names out there.
does it.
ah yes that strange looking prototype.
the 1000 "Ratte.
dunno what’s make that " sexy " or even remotely interesting. but to each their own, i guess.
well idk why, but it was in top search results…
trust in google overlord.
I know, but this is the best image I have of Pz III M regardless.
does this count too?
Girls und Panzer featured Karl-Gerät 040 so I don’t see why not.
Are you really using that as an argument? xD shameless
Girls und Panzer is a like a holy scripture for autistic tank retards like myself.
I know, but this is the best image I have of Pz III M regardless.
I am pointing this out just because you use this picture to show the difference between a long barreled Pz III and a Pz IV.
You want the bicycle on the right?
I know, it was a poor “I just woke up” attempt at a joke…
A hard tie between Soviet T60, and Italian AB41.
@_PRAETORIAN made a nice video about the AB, once.
Man, im really glad you still remember that…
It’s a really funny vehicle to use is larger maps. Even in urban areas: small thing goes between buildings
I really hope there will be lower br queues so I can use starter vehicles only