Just random and stupid opinion thread to see what others answer with. If it goes anywhere, should be fun to see. Personally, M3 Halftrack for nontank and M45 for tank. I love me some SPH’s and that 105mm M2 howitzer makes me feel some sorta way
idk why but the maus really make me love it probably cause it remind me of lego (since it pretty flat imo)
LVT 4 no question
Oh that’s a good one. LVT does look pretty sick, plus when it’s not having to face enemy armor it can screw up some infantry
A hard tie between Soviet T60, and Italian AB41.
@_PRAETORIAN made a nice video about the AB, once.
Just DARE not finding this sexy.
Strong second place contender:
Note: I want BR +/-0 to enjoy them again
cue manscaped commercial
Dicker max.
It just sounds like porn-actor nickname, and look at this gun…
You like them small tanks and armored cars, don’t you Conscript_Joe? Lol
StuG III F, then Tiger I, then T28
You want some cover for all that concealment? Lol
How can you prefer Stug F over Stug A visually?
What in the world is that mantlet?
The long ones hurts
Russia’s landship does look intimidating, I’ll give it that
Much more difficult to tell from just the front. Not very well versed in the Panzer’s unfortunately. Lol. Something I should work on a bit more. It’s honestly hard for me to tell the difference between a long barreled Pz III and a Pz IV, although I know if it has skirts it’s most likely a Pz III and if it has a turret skirt it’s most likely a Pz IV. At least as far as the ones you see in games go
But I see now it’s a 50mm and not the full 75mm, which helps explain why it looks so odd with it not having a muzzle break and whatnot
Also the picture he sent is without the small turret skirt and doesn’t have the cupola MG like the model in the game
ultra short barrels are just…wtf. i dislike too long ones too tho (one of the many reasons tiger one looks better than tiger 2)