How now! It’s perfectly average! It was just a little cold outside
Plus SPH’s are one of my favorite types of armor and all of those are short barreled
How now! It’s perfectly average! It was just a little cold outside
Plus SPH’s are one of my favorite types of armor and all of those are short barreled
Yeah, that’s understandable. But for me personally, stug A is still definitely higher than F.
Did they ever add a StuH variant to Enlisted? I’d like to have me one of those
I don’t know.
But StuH eas definitely suggested several times.
I feel like the StuH would fit the game a lot better than the StuG
Well, the stug would be fine if devs chose the stug G variant with coax MG for tech tree.
Sadly, even the premium version has no MG.
Yeah but your main priorities should be anti infantry, which is the StuH. Whereas the StuG is more dual purpose with a lot more AT capability as a SPG instead of a SPH
(I’m just trying to come up with some excuses to add more SPH’s in the game)
long barreled Panzer IV has muzzle break
Panzer III has no muzzle break
Oh really? I thought all German long 75’s had muzzle breaks regardless of anything
That’s because Pz III’s long gun isn’t 7,5 cm.
Just take a look at the screenshot that I have previously shared.
There isn’t a Pz III with the 75?
There is, but only short one.
Huh. Whomst’ve thunk it. Well there’s my bit of knowledge for the day. Thanks
Has to be the Semple Tank…
Ah, how could we possibly forget this absolute LEGEND of a tank? Forgive us Semple!
Sd.Kfz. 222
sdkfz 251
looks kinda futuristic for it’s time.
but that could be the bias speaking.
That is not a normal Panzer III M. It is its flame thrower variant, the Flammpanzer III.
The gun just looks too big if it is a normal Panzer III M with 50mm gun.
That explains the fire in the background and the screaming of civilians burning to death