What is wrong with this game?

It’s been about 2 weeks since I’ve been able to win any matches, I mostly play ranks 2, 3, and 5, and any kind of mission that involves winning is impossible, besides being frustrating to play the first minute and see that your team has no chance against the opponent. Climbing the rank ladder, I’ve given up already, it’s impossible with the game’s matchmaker that doesn’t care if you lose 100% of the matches.


It’s not the game, it’s the playerbase. They move like a horde of zombies from one faction to another every major update or so and stack it


This is “normal” in Enlisted.
Victory farmers change to the winning faction and veterans abandon the losing faction due frustration, leaving only mains and noobs fighting for the faction.
A month ago it was USA winning every battle, the playerbase will shift again sometime.


Man, isn’t this something that likes to pop up here, over and over again.


fucked up mm system and little reward. No matter how hard you play you can only get 1-3k silver per game without boost card. And if you score high df will always lower your base xp almost by half.

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The situation where the player base is extremely skewed has probably been occurring ever since last spring.
I continue to fight on the weakest team I can…and frankly, I’m tired of it.

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What nation is now?

Axis RN, japan especially


I’m new to this game but from what I can see, every game I’m playing as the Russians or Americans and I imagine that’s because the opposite teams are full i.e. German and Japanese. My play time with the “weak” factions are almost triple my play time with the “strong” ones. Along with that when I play the stronger factions I’m 4x more likely to win.

I’m gutted because this games seems to have so much potential but I’m tired of being mowed down by (sub)machine guns whilst myself and teammates are relegated to using bolt action rifles. Can’t see myself playing much longer if the matchmaking isn’t fixed


Russia has the best SMG’s in the game. Go down those immediately

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What’s funny (sad) is that most of the playerbase is suggesting for years now, ways to balance playerbase out. Such as:

  • bonus xp for least played faction
    Or at the very least
  • bonus xp for choosing to play “any faction at random”

Here’s df reaction to the multitude of the playerbase:


Oddly enough, British and American forces seem to be stronger today. Either a kind of self-cleansing has taken place, or they are tired of the marathon of just shooting bots and meditating…

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funny thing is that they promised that last year when they announced merge.


It was present in the game before the merge, stayed 1 week and get disabled for a bug


In that case, it’s not a funny thing,

It’s a sad thing… :pensive:

btw here is quote from Q&A


Weekday man, just wait till that weekend and Germany ans Japan will be back to business.


It was a fixed 20% exp/order booster

Really? I had no idea

Because stayed just for a week and from what I readed at thath time, it never worked properly, for one battle worked and from the other 5 don’t worked…