What is fun in BR4-5 games?

You really don’t need to go BR4-5 to find such apes

HaHA i HAvE 9 meN sQuAD 3 IMPACT grEnaDES EacH


Fortunately I rarely see those apes in low BR matches (less that 5% I’d say). Most of the time it’s a nice pew pew bayonet in the guts experience.

34 kills with just 1 squad 9x3 rinse and repeat


I guess don’t hate the ape, hate the game


pretty piss poor effort really, only 34 kill from 27 grens and 27 noob tubes
Dose this mean that the gloves are off, and i can go play like above? :rofl:

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Nothing unless you are a masochist or xp slave

You can have a ton of good guns in t2. Mp 40, pps 43, mg 13, cowboy rifle, mannlicher m93, lanchester, bren and much more

Go BR III all armies and check the pick random side(underdog usually) button for the widest variety of maps and challenge.

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Then I guess I’m just unlucky.
Though playing with BR2-3 gear vs BR4-5 probably doesn’t help.

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With regards to what is fun, fun would be the devs making some open wide maps for all the APC’s they introduced to tight clogged locations.


I’d say that less clutter is more important than bigger maps.
Due to trees and bomb craters, offroad driving is very annoying/inefficient. And roads often are full of random debrees that also make it hard to manouver (like the search lights / generators we all know and love).


Clutter has its place in certain terrain, whereas the lack of larger operational area detracts from the basic dynamic function of the large amount of personnel carriers just introduced.


Yeah, but larger maps won’t solve anything is they consist mostly of bomb craters and tank traps.

Ppl: want larger maps to flank with vehicles
Devs: release a big map with multiple layers of dragon teeth across it and claim they listen to the feedback

Don’t even suggest the Sigfried line lol. That moscow mist would really change the ardennes maps. I’m fine in BR 4-5 w/ BR3 gear, I think the matchmaker is waiting for more players before it can do a proper separation of ratings. Players should check the pick random side button its rather interesting. :saluting_face:

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Those are usually br3 griefers since they can’t dunk their antics on br1-2 noobs when they got uptiered.

vehicle spam is an issue though, since suicide bombing is quicker and more effective score-wise.

welcome to the party, that is what endgame stuff are meant to be (maybe not the paras)

Literally just got another match where I rolled BR3 russians for the team that already would win easily
The german team was basically just new players and they got completely destroyed by SVT-38/PPS-43 mix I had
I also was queueing as BR2 germany. It might have been a decent match if it put me on the german team
there is no reason to matchmaking
it just shoves people into matches basically at random

I have unethical amounts of impact grenades, but I only use them when I get heavily uptiered playing BR3 or my enemies are tryhards in deathstack, those deserve to get impacted.

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Welcome to high pressure mode
If you can’t fight any of the above
I suggest you go back and play BF5
There may be many illegal players
But there must be a balance you like
I enjoy using various explosives and powerful aircraft to beat those old antiques who don’t know how to adapt until they can’t take care of themselves.
At the same time, I am very willing to spend money on this game to improve this enjoyment.

Problem isn’t so much the map size (remember its 10v10, unless we get a 20v20 game mode if the engine/netcode or whatever can handle it), but rather its grey zone exclusions. On one hand its very handholdy and doesn’t let veteran sweat spawn camp and easily get behind enemy rallies, but on the other hand it even the playing field a lot for noob teams and generally keeps the game smoother, but with less options.

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