What is fun in BR4-5 games?

I really struggle to understand this. Almost every BR4-5 match I have played consists of:

  • heavy tank spam
  • cas spam
  • rifle grenades spam
  • impact grenades spam
  • auto weapons with squad wiping potential
  • paratroopers capturing the point before I manage to build a rally/park APC

Are ppl really into this kind of thing? I really fail to see any appeal in all this.


I don’t know what you consider spam. But I still die more from bullets than explosions when I play high BR queue.

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I die to bullets in about 30-40% of cases.
And by spam I mean for example a guy with 9 rifle grenades. Or a dude with 3 impact grenades. Or a kongo line of tanks.

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Idk, I can’t relate to that.

The only spam I experienced was few days back when I encountered McDonalds. All he did was constantly spam fkn AP mines on objectives (meaning, with every soldier he had in squad, he randomly placed AP mine there) That was the most toxic match I have ever experienced.
The only reason I did not quit the match was because I was playing with my irl friend atm.

I definitely haven’t encountered excesive spam of GLs or IGs. And I am encountering vehicles in same numbers as I do on low BRs.

Here’s replay:


I thought he doesnt like spams?

Idk, but he really loves AP mines. He evenput them on thumbnail pic for his most recent video, lmao.

that’s the difference.

one saying that doesn’t like spam, doesn’t mean they don’t do it them selves ( to an extent that they them selves do. or what one personally accepts and does not ).

CC are often the definition of speaking incoherently depending on their own actions.

anyway, speaking about the thread it self with my two cents ( if that’s of any matter )

i do play BR 4-5 games ( you can see in my last replays ) as USSR high tier.

sometimes, it’s balanced others less balanced.

i still play them because of various reasons:

  • high tier weapons
  • more intense fast paced matches
  • ( that’s where most of my HA loadouts always end up being anyway )
  • bp challenges

even though i lost some, or most of them, that’s fine.

like they can be fun, even though sometimes ruined by the meta gloryhound or nades spammer,

it’s just… different.
and sometimes can be fun.

yeah high br is very fast and spammy apparently some ppl like that, I’m not judging, I’m satisfied I have a choice to participate in slower battles, the only downside is that I can’t play with better weapons, I wish it will be issued in the future when fast spammy games will be arcade mode and slower more meaningful will be realistic.

we just have to wait.

I hope that there will be a lot more realistic fan players coming from steam.


The only thing that’s constantly spammed on high BR is proper Full auto.
If you like full auto and don’t mind playing against it, I think high BR is completely okay in 90% of matches.

Yes, the explosions have bigger blast radius, tanks do have better armor and so… But I really do not think they’re being “spammed” more than in low BRs. They’re just more “impactful”.


idk something about it compel me i guess im into challenging myself (probably stalingrad axis(after everyone gone) syndrome)

I play only BR V (+ BR IV in Pacific). What I like are automatic weapons (MP-43, AS-44) instead of obsolete WW I weapons (rifles with 22 dmg but 50 rpm).

well i play BR5 cause:

  1. it is fast paced
  2. i can easily farm score for events
  3. they are still most xp effective matches for me and i still have lots of things to grind.

I find Soviet BR 3-5 set ups the best because Low Soviet BR has nothing in terms of fire arms. Not in terms of fire power but “brand awareness”. PPD34 is good enough for my Winter War Setup but otherwise its pretty meh.

BR5 because Berlin, thats all.

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Axis BR4 is only for using different toys, I have never used Panther really, plus axis Italian paras lowest currently is BR4, so reason to use BR4.

Allied BR4 is so I can kill KTs, Panthers and get Pacific maps

Japanese, just because it’s just more enjoyable to use those toys.

Soviets,no reason, just different toys

So why not join the spam?

Being BR III and wiping them with “inferior” equipment is the fun in IV-V games

I run into the same shit with my BRII lineup, you can still cycle cas with virtually the same payload as BRV, it just takes longer to rearm, or not if you just suicide cycle. Soviets has squad wiping auto weapons from BRII upwards, and everyone has them at III, MP40 etc.

Greyzone tanks are just as oppressively in low tier, hell stuff like the PzIII N with the insane reload short 75mm is probably more punishing to infrantry than a king tiger. And again for greyzone bombs from a plane don’t really discriminate between tiers.

The only difference in higher BRs is all your troops have access to good automatic weapons rather than just MG and assaulters and honestly that levels the playing field if anything and makes more squads competitive. Having an engineer squad with FG2’s vs SMG spam in either bracket is sure a whole hell of a lot better than fighting SMG and HMGs with bolt action or godawful early semis.

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basically this
although BR5 matches are more likely to have more experienced players with more squads/gear/slots, so the fighting is more intense IMO
(although I’ve been stuck in matchmaker shadow realm, forever sent to BR2 germany lol)

My fun in Br 5, is THANKS to cas and tank spam. Because I like to play fighters.

As for tanks themselves, I loved measuring myself to those dreaded KT(H) yesterday with Is2 1944, an winning (smarts win the day… and good reverse speed plus cover :stuck_out_tongue:)

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