What I would like to see added to LOW-BR, your ideas

The last update added Pershing to the US and new guns and tanks to Japan. Both were BR5.
Since all the players have already finished most of the grind, it is understandable to add higher level content.
However, I would like to see more additional content added to the lower levels of BR1~3.
As many players currently do, the lower BRs are not just a pathway to the higher BRs, there are many who stay and play there.
There are so many squads in the game, and even more seasoned players own legacy squads, that building multiple decks for multiple BRs is one of the goals of the game.

So what would you guys like to see as low BR content?
Let us know your ideas.


What I want is an upgrade of BR1~2 tanks, especially light tanks.
They are almost useless as anti-tank vehicles. They can fight each other with the same light tanks, but when medium tanks come out, they are almost hopeless, and if you take them into BR5 and so on, they are often destroyed with almost nothing to do.
However, in my opinion, light tanks outperform BR5 tanks with their small chassis and nimble speed, which makes light tanks very attractive when they are dedicated to anti infantry combat. I still love the flamethrower tank that came with the Stalingrad Full Access and I love the M3 Stewart with flamethrower in the Pacific.
So, my idea is to add some attractive options or improvements to the BR1~3 tanks.

  1. First of all, it should mitigate the overheating of the coaxial machine gun. The appeal of light tanks lies in their ability to act like "infantrymen preventing small arms fire. Their main opponent is infantry. However, the key machine gun currently overheats quickly. This should be mitigated a little more.
  2. Enhancement of anti-personnel weapons such as canister rounds
    This was suggested in another thread, but the M3 Stewart could use canister rounds. It was like a giant shotgun, capable of crushing a Japanese soldier to pieces with a single blow.
    37mm M2 Canister Shell - Suggestions - Enlisted
    It could be replaced with HE shells or even with anti-tank shells to make it a completely infantry tank.
    I am not familiar with non-US light tanks/reconnaissance vehicles, but they would have some nice upgrades as well.

Also, There are still some attractive low BR weapons used in WW2 such as the Japanese type 30 rifle and the Italian savoia S.55. I would like to see something like that in the future.
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More new vehicles with howitzers. For example bison and so.
Since that’s basically only reason why I do play low BRs from time to time.

Otherwise I really do not enjoy gameplay of low BRs. There are max 2 competent players per team, the rest are just “filler players” with very high chance of “bob the builder” type of player being one of them. And this type player can very often ruin the whole match for me.
(sorry for little rant, lol)

Honestly, I’d rather see the mid BR be the real thing. Rather than adding new stuff to the low BRs


For low Br I would like

  • French, Romanian and Hungarian Squads
  • French Sub Tree
  • Early Falschirmjager paratroopers (drop with only lugers, grab rifles and machine guns from crates)
  • Over heat removed from 20mm tanks
  • Better ammuntion for 20mm tanks
  • Long list of tanks for all sides such as Panzer I (dual machine guns) Panzer II Luchs
  • Early derp guns
  • Tankettes
  • Armoured cars
  • biplanes/early monoplanes

so much really (just posting a few below but there are so many)






More tanks with flamethrowers. Flamethrower Sherman, Matilda, Churchill ect.

20 round magazine Thompsons for low BR allies

More variety of shotguns, maybe a trenchgun with bayonet and drilling with rifle bullet. Sawn off double barrel in the sidearm slot too.

Low BR tank destroyers that sacrifice coaxial MGs for more firepower and penetration (could move some of the existing tank destroyers down)


More variety of motorcycles for the rider class. Maybe give the rider class jeeps with MGs or lightly armoured cars. The German halftrack motorcycle hybrid would be a good addition.

More variants of halftracks/mobile spawns.

More captured/lend lease weapons/vehicles in the form of gold orders or event rewards.


But how? Their low caliber cannon is almost useless against infantry because of the low amount of splash.

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Should’ve put this in suggestions

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The first German self-propelled guns, it would be really cool to see them added!
Bison II BF 2
I would love to see more self-propelled artillery. The map is too small for indirect fire, but I still want them.
I am waiting for the M7priest.

I too sincerely hope that BR3~4 will become a BR that can be enjoyed independently.
Darkflow’s opinion is that we need a thicker player base, and I pray that Steam will fix this.

Thanks for the huge list! With so many detailed ideas, this should be a suggestion thread.


Ohhh, and I forget something.

I would love to see several types of kangaroo APC.
But it’s debatable whether they would be low BR or not, idk.


ah yes that slow aa truck still cant believe it that slow tbh (at least imo when compare to other aa vehicle)

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The rest of the 1st Marine Division. It is inexcusable as to why they are not in the game at the release of the Pacific, as they were the units who fought at Guadalcanal.

I would also like to see Edson’s Raiders, as they were responsible for the success at Edson’s Ridge. Once again, it should’ve been in the release of the Pacific.

  • Lewis Gun for US tech tree
  • Solothurn S-18/100 for German tech tree
  • Bamboo Spears for Japanese melee weapons
  • Telescopic sights for Japanese Type 96 and 99
  • M50 Reising and Thompson for Soviets
  • KP-31 box mag for German tech tree
  • Armed APCs in tech tree for all factions
  • Paratroopers in tech tree for all factions
  • Bamboo traps (Punji traps) for Japanese

I see a lot of stuff for add for low br or even gold weapons…,here a few examples

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tumblr_inline_nment07Dxb1qapn73_640 captured garand with scope for snippers concept?

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Lol maybe try to read what campaign name it is? Pacific War right? Not Guadalcanal.
We already had 5th Regiment from the 1st Marine Division. We need to give chance to other units that fought in the Pacific.

I would like to see some more tank destroyers for low/mid br. Hetzer, marder 3 and free su-76 would be nice to see


Yes, we need more Marines.
1st Marine Division, it would be so cool to have them in the game. I want them in Rifleman, Assault, and Mortar units.
Have you read Eugene Bondurant Sledge’s book? It was a masterpiece.
I wonder if it is true that the Japanese soldier’s body was ripped in half at the BAR. :thinking:


It is a wonder they are not still in the game.


Lol counter: 1

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Maybe you should go back and figure out what the campaign name is.