What I would like to see added to LOW-BR, your ideas

It’s funny you say that because it just so happens that their rifle is already in the game, yet an Army Division is using it…


Yes. I believe the defining moment in the book is this part right here:



I am going to tell you right now, it is.

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Stop. Go back and use common sense. You get no more responses until you do.

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Lol a Pacific war campaign that need many unit that involves in Guadalcanal campaign?
Why not call it Guadalcanal campaign?

Well you don’t have the ability to produce proper arguments anyway.

Lol counter: 2

No, just the famous ones like the 1st Marine Regiment (battle for Tenaru), 7th Marine Regiment (battles along Matanikau; Suicide Charley), Edson’s Raiders (Edson’s Ridge), and the Marine Paratroopers.

suggests that units released with maps should have fought at that battle
disagrees because it says Pacific

Please, keep going.

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Too much, other campaigns don’t even have that many unit from the same division.

There is literally 32 levels released before New Georgia being released.
If all those unit in the 32 levels actually fought in Guadalcanal, there is not much place for other squad that fought in other places during Pacific War.
Check the situation and you will know your request is unrealistic.

I want horse cavalry for br 1 (or 0,5)!

Then, a Tachanka for my Soviet forces.


The Edson’s Raider Battalion would be a premium squad, and the Marine Paratroopers are already in the game (first paratrooper event). That leaves only three squads from the division in total.

Fun fact: They have already done this with the 1st Infantry Division, 9th Infantry Division, and 90th Infantry Division.

1st Infantry Division


90th Infantry Division


9th Infantry Division


They added an army division as a riflemen squad that didn’t even see combat in WW2 to the Pacific, and you tell me they couldn’t add the 1st Marine Regiment as a riflemen squad?

You are really unbelievable.


A Finland campaign for low battlerating could be fun since that war was fought in the really early years (1939-1940), which makes up a portion of the equipment already in the lower tiers.

As far as I know, the Finnish mainly just used German and captured Soviet weapons, so maybe keep the maplist in the German vs Soviet matchmaking?


Now, that would be fun!:rofl:

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Can wait to get my GO/premium czech SS aryan horse.

It’s mentioned here.


In games, the BAR is immensely powerful as long as it hits, but in reality the BAR is like a cannon for infantrymen. :open_mouth:
Darkflow needs to change the gore system and update it so that the bodies of Japanese soldiers hit by the BAR are demolished. :boom:

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What do you mean only 3?

The famous ones already have 4, plus the 5th regiment in game so there is 5.

They are from 2 campaigns.

Only 3. You want 5.

That unit still served in the Pacific. So some garrison unit are your excuse of turning most of the unit in Pacific campaign into unit that fought in Guadalcanal?

Imagine if we got a gore update before bipod fix…

Removing BR3 from BR1 matches, that would be a start.


For me:
More bayonets
More support vehicles(SPAAs, flame tanks, etc.)
allow bike squads to have an engi

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