What each nation needs currently

There’s more than one way to use those, btw. Saying “nooo it cannot be used standing!” Is false:

Here’s the proper way, explained:

I’m not saying firing those standing is the best way to use such a squad support weapon. It’s best used in a good defensive position. BUT IN BETWEEN THOSE POSITIONS, there’s the “assault” way to use lmgs. Ofc less accurate. Still effective in it’s role.

Works well with other factions (cold war) lmgs too (again look at the stance)

Here’s how fools shoot lmgs…

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i am not saying it cannot be used while standing. every gun can be used while standing, even something like ptrs-41 can be used while standing.

using it while standing should come with much greater recoil than it comes in the game. just look at those videos and see how steady those MG-s are.

btw look at this video from @Forlorn_Squad

tell me if this is how MG15 should behave while someone uses it while standing? this behaves like assault rifle and not like a MG.

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Oh I don’t disagree at all here, I thought you meant it cannot be done.

But… pretty much every weapons in game behave unrealistically. Look at avt40 that has no recoil, the run and gun lmgs, ptrs and other AT rifles accurate while standing…

It’s call of duty worthy, really. Lmgs are just the tip of it all.

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this is what germany needs, to hell with 100 round mg42, this is unique and looks like a shitbox

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Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was a soldier in the Austrian army, treats machine guns like pistols.
so I would not be surprised if a soldier in Germany, next to Austria, does the same thing.


Remove shermans and give US renault FT (buff it artificially so it can put up a fight) because it’s unique and we have a deal.

Well, he doesn’t need (nor try) to hit anything and is lets say… extraordinary build. Not everybody is a world renowned body builder.

Though a 16 points perk “Schwarzenegger” that allows to hipfire a .50 cal would be hilarious.

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everything can be done if you want to. firing MG in assault position is more of an exception to the rule than proper way to utilize the MG. it comes with the price of accuracy cause of extremely high recoil and short magazine. idk about ammo belts length that US used during ww2 for m1919a6, but i know that in vietnam war they used 25 starter belts when on the move and linked it with longer belts when stationary. germans with mg34/42 used drums when on the move and loaded multiple linked 50 round belts when stationary.

that is why i like voyo’s suggestion for MG. it makes MG much more effective when stationary with bipod mouted. i would add extra recoil and ammo nerf to all MG when player is on the move. that would be much closer to MG performance in reality.

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I had thought that Germans eat a lot of meat and therefore have bigger bodies on average. They even make sausages from the blood of their livestock. Normally, that is the part that is thrown away.
This is a world that I, who eat only rice and vegetables, cannot even imagine.
When I hear the word Germany, the first thing that comes to mind is Arnold Schwarzenegger or Gunter Schlierkamp.

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never heard of him…

when i hear germany i think of couple of things


I’m all in for ww1 weaponry!

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Apparently named a “Spandau 7,92mm” lmg.

And we need it along a 0,5 battle rating with ww1 stuff.

Because they had glorious mustaches on all sides:


He is a very prominent German.
At least in Japan, there is no one who does not know him.

Honestly we need these glorious mustache in game no matter what


well japanese have some weird obsessions :stuck_out_tongue: i can tell you that he is pretty unknown in most of the europe (maybe with exception of a country or two that may know him)

btw this is typical european thing and not just german thing. almost every european country has some tradition of blood sausage.


But yes. @Bigote0070 would approve. Ever seen his “all mustache Bigote” lineup? Glorious.