What do you think about the squad limit?

See I have the opposite experience. If my team is getting it done, i just mess around on whatever squads, (motor bike, sniper, mortar)… If I jump in a vehicle (or use my most powerful squads), its usually because my team “isn’t” trading and I find myself in bad situations facing too many squads., So I take the power boost of the tank for example to try and tip the scales back. The effect it has on tickets and changing the flow of reinforcements is often huge in games where tickets and flow matters…especially confrontation.

But yeah.

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There’s a squad limit? Do you mean the maximum 10 slots + 1 for premium? :thinking:

i think he means same squad limit e.g. from 3 assaulters → 2 max assaulters.

There’s a limit on those? :thinking:

I honest to God never noticed… I never use more than one of the same squad type, except for fighter planes, or one “bad but fun” non meta tank and one “to use only in case of stalemate” tank…

there is no limit, but they planned to introduce it few months back.

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Oh yeah I remember now.

Well, as ppl can see, I just wouldn’t mind if there was… Because I already don’t spam the same meta squads :neutral_face:

well same. it is already rare if i have 2 of the same squads. you just get a lot more done with diverse lineup than with meta squads. although i would probably use more of meta squads if i played in stacks.

I wouldn’t mind it as long as it has no impact on vehicles.

I have 2-4 tanks in my lineups pretty regularly. A lot of them are only good for certain maps (JP IV for example), and if I were to take just one universal tank, I wouldn’t play 90% of the tanks that are in the game. Because a lot of them just aren’t versatile enough.

But since a premium squad was planned to not be affected by this limitation. I honestly don’t care. But I still think it’s an extremely stupid and bad restriction just for the benefit of a few toxic individuals who blame so-called spam for various negative things.
I highly doubt this restriction will solve anything.

Is it implemented or not? (Or planned?)

I genuinely don’t know, it’s not something that bothered me too much :thinking:

i think they abandoned the idea after community pushback.

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As far as I know the idea was completely abandoned.

@robihr Oh, you were faster.

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I think it was a good idea in the past, because of the mechanics of Red Orchestra, but now I think that all squad types should be given content, so that they become more unique

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Imo what devs proposed is super trash because of two reasons:

  1. Premium squads being excluded from limits is super p2w. No doubts about that.
  2. It’s not really necessary anymore. Since we have BRs, all equipment should (theoretically) face equivalent equipment. So there is no point limiting numbers of gear when everything is (supposed to be) equal.

I’d like to have an optional, semi historical/realistic gamemode with some kind of limit on the quantity and quality of gear. I guess something like spawn score in battlefront 2 would be nice (already tested in titan event).
So for example you would have battle of moscow where russians can spawn T-60 for free or a KV-1 for a lot of points. Or battle of stalingrad where you can spawn a squad of mossins for free or pay points for shock troops with 6 PPShs and body armor. (There is more nuance to this but you get the idea.)
Problem is, that would require an overhaul of almost the whole game. So it’s not really possible. But one can dream.


There should be no restrictions on infantry squads. Continuously using the same type of infantry squads does not make a player very powerful, and adding restrictions will only make players have to use squads they don’t like, which is frustrating. Everyone should play what they love, and developers will also balance it. Therefore, restrictions are meaningless, and I firmly oppose them.
Tanks and bombers are bigger issues, and they should have longer preparation time to prevent some players from endlessly using tanks. Of course, the attack queue should not be restricted, which would make the purchase of slots meaningless.

well there is still necessity for limiting toxic gameplay (like plane suicide cycle), but i think that it can be solved in other ways and not by limiting squads (which probably wouldnt even work cause those toxic players are usually big spenders)

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