What do you think about PZ 3B?

I would like to know your opinion about the second German tank in Moscow.
To make it easier and more precise to formulate your opinion, I will write a couple of questions below.

1.How good is it against aviation?
2.How good is it against infantry at a distance?
3.How good against infantry at close distance?
4.How good against tanks at a distance?
5.How good against tanks at a close distance?
6.How maneuverable is it?
7.How well does it survive?
8.Which tanks are a problem for him?
9.Which tanks are not a problem for him?
10.How good is his view?

In a couple of days I want to make a topic about PZ 3 B, where I will express my own opinion.

  1. bro is a tank
  2. has 2 mg so pretty good
  3. bad turret is to slow for engage infantry in close range
  4. bad 37mm work only aganaist t28
  5. same point 4
  6. like a piece of wood glued to a rock
  7. you’re lucky if you don’t die if one of your tankmen sneezes or another tank look at you
  8. ALL
  9. no one
  10. like all other tank

Sometimes a tank works more efficiently than an anti-aircraft gun.

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Soviet tanks are in general very fragile so you shouldnt have issues killing them

@106782730 and @53686420 I would like a detailed answer.Like @gastanofrizzi .

its ok againt infantry(2x mg 34), but has a very slow traverse, meaning it can quickly get overrun
its gun is ok against tanks and infantly(its small, but has APHE)
it has 5 crew that are very spread out meaning it can take hits pretty well, even though it has almost no armor
as for tanks- shoot t60 in turert and it shouldnt be a problem, shoot bt7 and t26 in upper hull(flat part) for an easy kill, shoot t28 in turret and hull mg turrets
avoid t50 at all costs(you may be able to pen turret sides and turret cheeks, but its very risky)

edit: you can also shoot bt7 in turret , considering its so rounded. if its aiming at you you can shoot above/below gun mantlet

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Thanks to the already done in-depth analysis of PZ IIIB that I 100% agree with, I would like to join @gastanofrizzi and say that tank is utter and complete garbage. Literally, one of the worst vehicles in the game gets raped by pretty much anything that has a gun, and angling is not going to save you either since that armour is absolute garbage to begin with.

It is not surprising, because that tank was out of service long before Operation Barbarossa began. Why it is included in Moscow is way beyond my understanding. The only thing you can do somewhat well is mowing down infantry with MGs… however, PZ IIIE does the job better in every aspect anyway. And even post nerf PZ II performs better than IIIB, so there is no reason for anyone to ever use it.

It was garbage in CBT, it is garbage now, and it will remain garbage until it is removed (which would be first and only good thing about the vehicle).

  1. It was “used” in Poland 39 only.

Yes, and according to Darkflow logic, it was added because either there was no other option (bs), or because said faction needed a boost in certain aspect (even worse bs… unless what they had in mind was a shameless sabotage).
(That was their excuse for including things like Jumbo back in the days)

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At least people avoid that trashy tin can.

Then put it on line with the BT.

And the T-26 where?To the place of t60?Seriously stop starting new disputes.

T-26 vs. E.
The T-26 still has the better gun.

maybe delet t60, put t26 as starter
than bt2->bt7

I’m going to start swearing and swearing now.xD
Can we not start disputes?

You dont have to answer.

I don’t have to, but for me the answer is like a drug xD

It was “ok” back then when higher vehicles such as t50/pz3j were not implemented. By “ok” I don’t mean good. But it was possible to achieve good results by playing smart… Also back then it mostly encountered slow t26 an good but not very armoured bt7. The t28 wasn’t nerfed back then, so it meant automatic doom for the pz3b, but it was thankfully rare. The weak gun it has was good enough to face them (t26 and bt7) at a distance, and the general rule was “the first one to see the enemy wins.” Also, 2 coaxial lmgs… was decent.

Nowadays however, it doesn’t work anymore, as thanks to (because) of the gold order t50… everyone and their mom drive it. So poor pz3b really just gets disintegrated if the enemy stares at it too hard.

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i started moscow campaign seriously yesterday, since, i still have 15 days on current BP and all other campaigns are compleated.

pz3 B sucks hard. too slow turret, no enough pen on main gun and mobility sucks hard.

pz3 j, on the other hand, feels good enough to be worth the usage.

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Ahh … H&G flashbacks