As a long time Moscow enthusiasts that wants to welcome you properly in the family: I recommend you to keep using the pz4 instead of the 3j. The pz4 has a much better mobility, and MUCH better anti infantry capability, something the 3j is terrible at having a very slow turret and almost non existent HE capability. The added turret armour of the 3j just isn’t worth it as the t50 (and any other tank for that matter) can still pen it easily anyway.
at level 17 or so right now
still a few levels till the pz4. either way i m looking at the premium variant more and more… but i m not enjoying moscow to justify me spending money into it tbh…
i m just playing it since i already have all other campaigns maxed out on both sides…
The premium pz4 will just destroy anything, t50 and EVEN valentine just by looking at it, thanks to it’s HEAT.
It doesn’t carry regular HE wich sacrifice alot of it’s anti infantry wonderful ability. Yeah, that premium is one of the 3 ptw vehicles in Enlisted (this pz4, the valentine wall, and the ugly sandcastle jumbo)
Firefly too good.
In general, it feels much better than the Panzer III E, i get more kills with the B variant, that with the E one, you can kill all you see, except for t-50 and T-60.
The b is disliked, but it DOES have 2 coaxial lmgs… and those work well
Yeah, appart of the point that it feels much more armored than E, i know it sounds crazy, but it resists some more shots than the E variant XD
tank vs tank is fun not gonna lie. atleast on pz3 J variant from the gold order.
but the maps are strange as hell , and i m on a strong tin foil hat that this is the campaign with less xp per min i can make
Moscow maps best!Or Berlin maps.
not sure… i might grind all the axis side in moscow playing with vehicles only … i cant enjoy this campaign no matr what…
So you from Portugal,can’t understand all beautifully of snow.
Moscow maps also best maps for tanks.(many fields,wooden house and etc).
ahah- might be that. x)
You noticed that too?
I don’t get it, sometimes I do half as much xp here than in other campaigns for same amount of kills and xp before multiplier. I really don’t understand how it’s calculated…
the same xp on berlin or normandy would give me 40k + xp and i m getting around 20k.
i dont even understand moscow lol. either way. i almost level 19 axis . xD
Yes, it’s really weird. On campaigns like Berlin, having 25k to 35k is easy if you had a good match with an enemy that gives good opposition. On Normandy it seems you can get xp for even slacking off, it’s the easiest… But in my beloved Moscow xp gains are low even being top 1 with 1.5 xp modifiers… It’s why I believe it’s the most hardcore campaign.
Probably that’s why I haven’t max lvl the Soviet side in seven months (Now I only have a squad with PTRS). xD