Western Allies Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

I am in the “Let’s re-categorize everything” camp

tl;dr, that means M2Cs become assaulter weapons (as de facto assault rifles), and automatic rifles become rifleman weapons (like with FGs and AVT/AVS rifles)

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Again, I have to disagree with that unless the US/UK get a weapon that you categorized as Automatic Rifle. I don’t want to be forced to use Garand whereas others can use select fire weapons.


Sounds really fair.

Browning Automatic Rifles

I… Don’t know what else to say.



Exactly xDD

All the more reason that weapon should be reclassified as an SMG and limited to the assaulter class. While we’re at it the m1 carbine should be usable by vehicle crews and assaulters like other pistol caliber carbines


I’d go the other way, and make all automatic rifles available only to machine gunners.


Fallschirmjägergewehr 42.

Was soll ich sonst noch sagen?

Thompsons need visual recoil nerf, those guns kick too much while obscuring my screen. M2 Carbine feels like a better smg than the actual smgs which is just sad.
Johnson M1941 need to get reload buff now it feel like a straight downgrade to the M1 Garand
I would buff Sten/Owen by giving it a bit less horizontal recoil now it kicks all over the screen even with -recoil perk.
Boys ATR need a buff it’s completely inferior to type97 at rifle and german pzb-38/39.

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The Johnson reloads with two stripper clips compared to a single en block for the garand, so it should be slower. The boys atr should be inferior to the type 97 and grb because it fires smaller rounds with less energy. I don’t have strong opinions on the sten or Owen but they weren’t known for their ergonomics or accuracy.

Why? Gunners already have conventional LMGs. Why give them automatic rifles, too?

Why the rename suggestion?

My man have you heard of the BAR? Automatic Rifle is in the name. Lol. Just give us that and call it a day if you want all the other stuff too

Because gunners and assaulters are the classes specifically designed to be used with automatic weapons. Classes are there to differentiate squads, and if everyone has the same type of weapons it dilutes the unique nature of the classes.

If you want a historical argument: for the time period, it was rare for automatic rifles to be handed out to everyone regardless of their job, Especially the specific weapons we’re talking about. Limiting the types of classes that can use these guns would be a good way to simulate the general rarity of these weapons on the WWII battlefield


You seem to be under the impression that there is an overlap in weapon roles.

Automatic rifles have their niche in that while they are capable in a fight, they do not have the ammunition capacity nor magazine size to sustain its use, unlike LMGs, SMGs and ARs.

SMGs and ARs have excellent mobility and handling in full automatic for less damage (except the Fed).
LMGs feature damage and large magazine caps on average for less handling, mobility and recoil control.
Automatic rifles hit hard and are relatively controllable, but have half the magazine size and ammo count on average.

That is their key differentiation, and why unless it’s a western allied squad armed with M2 Carbines (which are effectively assault rifles), you do not see full automatic rifle squads often- Because LMGs, SMGs and ARs already have a niche independent from automatic rifles as a whole.

Taking automatic rifles away from riflemen would render the classes incapable of handling automatic weapons into deadweights, and increase the value of assaulter squads, which have up to 5 automatic weapons.

Lives are worth peanuts, and if I have to choose between a squad of 9 with 8 rifles and 1 automatic, and a squad of 7 with 5 automatics, it’s clear which squad has more firepower.

Automatic rifles let common riflemen (as well as other soldiers with similar weapon restrictions) fight in a pinch, but not for long, relative to assaulters and gunners.

Well, no thank you. I will keep M2 carbine all day over a BAR on my Riflemen. BAR is an LMG, and was used as an LMG by the US during WW2. And Imo, M2 is just better to move and shoot with a Rifleman.

Under that logic, every squad with FG 42s in the game should be a paratrooper squad.

Better yet, because they were made for the express purpose of having the firepower of a machinegun during landings, being used as LMGs, they should be recategorized as LMGs.

You know what, M2 Carbines were historically proliferated as a response to StG 44s, so they should be categorized as assault rifles.

Look. You need to have a consistent line of thought when you start off with

Then, when instantly presented with the Browning Automatic Rifle, you go “No”.

There’s liking something, and then there’s trying to rationalize liking that something after the fact with some random arbitrary history tidbit when it suits you.

In a balancing argument, you look at how things as they are in the game, and not how it was in reality, else it would defeat the point of discussing videogame balance.

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And the M2 Carbine is…well, a carbine. A short barreled rifle. Yet you want the rifle removed from the Rifleman role, but complain there’s nothing left to fill that automatic rifle gap. When given an Automatic Rifle to fill said gap, you back pedal and say no keep it as it is

Sooo, you wanna make up your mind or…?

Look buddy, WWII wasn’t perfectly symmetrical. Not every nation had a perfect counterpart to everyone else. Take the US for example, we didn’t really have a crew served LMG like every other nation. We had the BAR and its later variants. The UK had the Bren, Germany had the father of the modern LMG with the MG34/42, Russia had the Madsen, so forth and so on. Conversely, the US was the only nation to make a semi auto rifle their standard infantry rifle out of everyone in the war. Other nations may have fielded some semi auto’s, but they all overwhelmingly used bolt actions. We were also the only nation to develop a semi automatic and full auto carbine. The M1 and M2 Carbines, obviously. Everyone else’s carbines were just their main bolt action with a couple inches shaved off the end, some of which are in the game (looking at you, Russia)

So I must ask, why do you insist that the M2 is some overwhelming thing that must be nerfed by tampering with who all can use it? I mean shoot isn’t the FG 42 a rifleman weapon? It’s a bigger caliber, full auto, more damage, more range. It’s theoretically in just about every way better than the M2. Don’t see you begging for that one to be nerfed to only such and such roles. Just let us have our Carbines. You can dome us way outside our effective range anyways with your own stuff. Bullet deviation on them things ain’t pretty sometimes. We have our special guns, you have yours. I don’t see the issue here to be honest