Western Allies Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

  • Thompson M1A1, M1 and M1928A1 suck. MP43 and StG are better in any regard excluding maybe rof. Overtiered and overpriced for their supposed late-game performance.
  • Rename Bazooka M1 and M9.
  • Rename M1903 Springfield.
  • M2 should be a Assaulter Weapon.
  • Buff M1Cs damage and make it usable for tankers.
  • M1A1 Carbine should be a free unlock for all classes, at least for tankers.
  • Sten Mk. III should be free unlock.

I completely agree with this. Very decent weapon with lovely sights.

At first, I thought you mean Pacific garand, lmao.

its also one of the most produced SMGs so I dont know we they put this behind a paywall but not the Indian Bren (not like its a different Bren anyways apart from the shitty sight).

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Yeah, but in that case, what would be the high-end US rifle comparable to FG and AVT? I mean I love the Garand but I would rather have mid SMG and keep M2 as it is than switching M2 to assaulter and using garand instead…

Tbh, we could get a Sten mk V instead. The earlier marks were cost-effective weapon, but later on, the Brits invested on improving the Sten with better sight, wooden buttstock and front grip for better handling.


Make FG Gunner Weapon and AVT Assaulter.


I am in the “Let’s re-categorize everything” camp

tl;dr, that means M2Cs become assaulter weapons (as de facto assault rifles), and automatic rifles become rifleman weapons (like with FGs and AVT/AVS rifles)

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Again, I have to disagree with that unless the US/UK get a weapon that you categorized as Automatic Rifle. I don’t want to be forced to use Garand whereas others can use select fire weapons.


Sounds really fair.

Browning Automatic Rifles

I… Don’t know what else to say.



Exactly xDD

All the more reason that weapon should be reclassified as an SMG and limited to the assaulter class. While we’re at it the m1 carbine should be usable by vehicle crews and assaulters like other pistol caliber carbines


I’d go the other way, and make all automatic rifles available only to machine gunners.


Fallschirmjägergewehr 42.

Was soll ich sonst noch sagen?

Thompsons need visual recoil nerf, those guns kick too much while obscuring my screen. M2 Carbine feels like a better smg than the actual smgs which is just sad.
Johnson M1941 need to get reload buff now it feel like a straight downgrade to the M1 Garand
I would buff Sten/Owen by giving it a bit less horizontal recoil now it kicks all over the screen even with -recoil perk.
Boys ATR need a buff it’s completely inferior to type97 at rifle and german pzb-38/39.

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The Johnson reloads with two stripper clips compared to a single en block for the garand, so it should be slower. The boys atr should be inferior to the type 97 and grb because it fires smaller rounds with less energy. I don’t have strong opinions on the sten or Owen but they weren’t known for their ergonomics or accuracy.

Why? Gunners already have conventional LMGs. Why give them automatic rifles, too?

Why the rename suggestion?

My man have you heard of the BAR? Automatic Rifle is in the name. Lol. Just give us that and call it a day if you want all the other stuff too