We're under fire!

A suppression mechanic may make mgs more of a support weapon and encourage teamplay by keeping the enemy pinned down.
Perhaps when the mg fire is very close to the target their soldier will begin to breath heavier and panic. Maybe voice lines of their soldier screaming as well. Also when under fire the subject will receive the effects of a canteen due to adrenaline. The bots accuracy will also be reduced.

To insensitive the use of this mechanic xp will be given to the soilder firing. Also this mechanic will teach players to stick to cover and maybe work more closely with their teammates.


Definitely not, doesn’t suit Enlisted’s gameplay at all.

Sure it does, I even suggested giving a stamina increase while under fire to encourage the soilder to keep on the move. Also I only suggested giving xp for actions players may already be doing.


While suppression for players may be controversial (though personally I’m for it), suppression for AI is a must have. AI should seek cover and not engage under heavy fire.


I’d love “stay here and keep looking at area i marked” That would be really helpful in tons of scenarious, wheather it is suppressive advance or to simply make bots move into positions. It would boost theirs accuracy a little too. Most of the times they look in the opposite direction the action is happening. Suppresion mechanics would be cool too, only for MG’s or bigger guns though, no smgs etc.


Agreed I only want it implemented for rifle caliber weapons or higher. Also I think only heavy mgs should cause the concussion effect.