Welcome to the 'Japan' discussion section

Japan will struggle if they get placed into maps from different campaigns.

If they go vs ussr the average player will get mauled by ppds tanks etc.

Im not sure how they’re Battle rating will look but they will be pretty weak by comparison to ussr, usa, Germany

Japan should have an ability to crash planes into targets and deal massive damage, as well as adding suicide troops with bombs and explosives strapped to them that could be detonated if the enemy is close.

This is never gonna be implemented. Simply too controversial.

What will happen is Darkflow in their endless wisdom and good graces will give Japan a handful of extra tier 4 and 5 stuff with high BR’s for no discernable good reason, just so Japan has something at those tiers even if it’s completely outmatched by what the Americans have. Maybe they’ll add another paper mache plane or tank with nerf blaster weaponry, or just add another premium squad to milk the whales. What is certain is that DF will inexplicably ignore the fact that War Thunder already has a dearth of good Japanese planes with all of the assets and everything ready to go, neglecting to add any of them.

The forums will then give their praises, rejoicing over how the Japanese faction has just been saved, everything has been balanced, and all is right with the world, because those who’ve already grinded everything for the Japanese have a few more goodies to play with.

Of course though, in reality, nothing has been fixed, changed, improved or rebalanced and the Japanese shall still suck hard in pretty much every Tier and BR for the foreseeable future. Non-whales and less “ground” players will continue to get stomped surrounded by an ocean of the worst AI in gaming and the Japanese shall continue to be playerless.

  • The Book of Enlisted, Chapter 3 Verse 16, Darkflow translation.