Welcome to the 'Japan' discussion section

do we really need to see a tiger in gavutu / oki nawa / guardalcanal / new georgia ?


Just don’t forget make it green, so it suits Japanese.

I was joking btw.

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as Japan’s weapons progress, the limits of this restriction will be expanded.

i see what you mean.

shouldn’t have they used " reduced " instead ? as they would get more things?

You may be surprised.

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yeah i know.

but still.

m u h

i m m e r s i o n

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Sir the dishes you ordered


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This my friend, is a typical example of a japanese weapon in a video game.
Moar experimantal stuff!!!

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Hey, War Thunder as a model for that tank… So, who knows ?


Jokes aside, I think we could well see Chi Nu, Chi To and maybe even Chi Ri tank for the Japanese at some point, but they would have to get proper infantry weapon to keep with their tanks

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i’m surprised they entered the war in the state they were.


then there’s italy.

gave me an idea.

italy vs japan mod

and see what comes out of it.

( if i can find players willing to partecipate to begin with )

but my money is on japan though. due to the CHI HA

that… or was it the CHI KAI something something?

essentially that event vehicle that it’s perhaps one of the only good tanks.



Also that’s why I dislike to play as japan in ww2 games. Their gimic is a metric ton of experimental stuff and that’s not my thing (I preffer widely used guns with earned reputation).
I’d rather have something more conected to irl like the willpower of soldiers or extensive deffence complexes. But then ppl would cry about imbalance and stuff.

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which it’s “funny”, because in enlisted,

you need to be at least mid levels in order to be able to use those said equipment that they used back in the days.

while having to go through many protos.

but at the same time, you wouldn’t have much to work with. or … a playerbase.
as you’d end up only with just bolties and few mgs.

can’t wait to make japanese volkssturm though.

last ditch rifles and what not

edit, it has come to my attention this weird… “”“perversion”“” of using gimmicky stuff and deal against full sweat lord.

i suppose it thrills my thirst for humiliating others with last resort equipment.

( in my defense, i’m a simple BA lover )

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Ups and downs of a game based on grind

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Close enough, it’s chi-ha kai

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yeah. that one.

i recently unlocked it, and… it’s fun to use.

if it wasn’t that it’s… paper thin like the rest of tanks.

but at least dont’ have to go through those odd tanks no more.

even though, not a huge fan of pacific maps for tanks.

they kind push people for gray zone camping.

which i’ll never do, and find my self over extending in the map.

but, i’m not complaining… just noting :eyes:

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I was using it when Japanese were facing only bots and casuals. So I was constantly in front of object and jsur hunting kills.

The most important thing about this tank for me is…
It’s currently the best looking Japanese tank. It actually even looks like a proper tank.


japanese small arms are good enough to go toe to toe with western powers at this point. and their prototype vehicles are actually very good. . i have played countless times against us with their m2 carabines. didnt feel they have overwhelming advantage or something. my concern is italians . they have good small arms and planes but heaviest tank they have ever produced is p 26 that was26 tones and 75 mm gun which is equivalent of panzer 4 at best.

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yeah :joy:

they either look like a ball, or a box.


I won’t cause it unique and futuristic looking for WW2 gun and I love it

The Devs need to fix the performance in the new maps, Georgia is very unstable to play with, and I can run all campaign maps with 100FPS, but in those 2 new pacific map? Hell no