Welcome to the Alpha test team

usually alpha tests for games are more like CBT, rather than alpha tests. well as long as you know what you are going into. in my uni days i worked as an alpha tester for one company and i must say it was mind numbing job.

I have always worked with computer science, for the first time my job will be completely different, life is hard guys :sweat: , due to a time factor I can not make commitments, I hope the game never fails and the company earns well to improve the Enlisted game, and and also that it never goes on Steam :wink: . bye bye :vulcan_salute:

Obviously you don’t know unless you got/get paid.
But hey, it’s your time you waste.

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idc about getting paid.

i will do it coz i want to do it. not coz of some obituary reward i dont need.

we do report stuff here and on the issue community center site not to get paid, but to get a better game.


Final statement:

I just ended Tunisia campaign and switched to Normandy.
I was pretty sure that things can’t actually get worse than the Tunisia experience. I was so wrong with that assumption. It’s nearly an art to create such a pathetic gameplay within a bundle of half-baked attempts of coding.
This entire game is so fucked up that no matter what will be tested, it’s a hopeless case of a chaotic mess. Stuck and guaranteed to drown.
A fuckin spamfest without the slightest idea of where this should go. Except ripping you guys off with one premium nonsense after the other.
The core is lost and irretrievably snarled in a mess of roughly touched ideas.
5 levels of playing Normandy is way enough to come to this conclusion.

This game is a living dead. End of the story.

So, as for these ridiculous tester applications and the applicants,
keep crawling up the devs’ rear, hope for some gold and keep stacking up your collection of pewpewpew-bullshit.

I am fuckin outta here before my professional mind explodes.


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When can we expect to learn who got picked for the team?

Are console players included in this?

How will those chosen be contacted?

I would happily take the opportunity to improve the game!

Forms are accepted until the 14th of February.

Everything with the Time

Alright, thank you.

I wasn’t even planning on joining any discussion on these forums until the developers offered us the opportunity to actively improve the game, and then I read the responses from players on here.
You can spend your entire life being negative, but it will just make you utterly miserable. You need to turn that attitude 180 before it damages your personality and relationships permanently. The only thing it achieves is to make people not want to interact with you.
Specifically on some of your claims -
Yes there are clearly problems with various aspects of this game, but massively exaggerating and claiming it’s irretrievably broken is just being negative to the point of hysteria.
You could find so much in this game to appreciate and enjoy, so many things to do that are fun and rewarding, yet instead you falsely claim that everything is just ‘shit’.
How can you ever enjoy any aspect of your life if you find it so easy to find extreme fault in everything ?
Please take a break from gaming and get outside into the fresh air - get some exercise - go to a gym, do some sporting activity or whatever you need to do to have some healthy vigorous exercise.
Nobody has forced you to play this game or spend money on it - that was your free choice. If you feel that you’ve been exploited then maybe you should’ve had more self-control earlier. The simple fact that you’ve grinded a whole campaign in this game and yet hate it so much is just unhealthy. You should have stopped at the point when you started to realise it wasn’t enjoyable anymore.
If you hate the squad game mode so much, why not just play on Lone Fighter servers instead ? No more dealing with the dumb AI bots. Or if you still don’t enjoy that why not find a milsim group where you can play against people who are more interested in historical authenticity rather than running around like they’re playing CoD ? There are so many alternative ways of playing this game if you don’t enjoy the Squad-based game.


You should def. join more discussions on this forum.

Oh, I wasn’t expecting to have psychological aid here. But thanks. I know what I am doing.

Don’t worry about my spare time and taking fresh air. I own a Great Dane and that demands a lot of being out in fresh air.

Since you obviously just stumbled only on my last statement here, I can ensure you that I was trying the calm, factual and objective way. And I guess hundreds did it the same way.
If friendly tone remains unheard, I raise it. Simple as that.
Devs can notice this until it gets rough. Still no reaction, I am simply out. Others are out right after being unheard the friendly way.
That’s my way ever since, like it or not - I just don’t care as much as the devs don’t care about their own project.

Have a nice day and see you maybe on Post Scriptum or HLL…

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Funny that i did test HLL back in 2017 or 2018 alpha…

And? What’s so funny about it? That you did not get paid there as well?
But hey, not learning from mistakes appears to be the perfect requirement for your upcoming “job”.

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Hey man - thankyou for the very civil and calm response. I was probably a bit condescending now I re-read my post - sorry about that. I didn’t realise you’d tried previously to be a positive influence on the development of this game. I’m so used to seeing people on forums who never have anything nice to say and who complain about everything (I’ve seen a few examples on here).
Good to hear that you have a doggie to take out for long walks - I have a cat who follows me for short walks, but he refuses to go beyond the area he knows in the village.
I’ve previously looked at Post Scriptum & HLL but PS is dead online and HLL won’t run on my PC without multiple ‘minor’ upgrades (RAM & GPU - not sure it’ll even run on Win7 either).

Have you tried any of the milsim-type groups yet ? They usually play on passworded custom servers. You can find a few on Discord - ‘Enlisted Milsim Community’ is the one I joined. They have several groups - German, Russian and British factions. You can even set up your own group fairly easily as there are clearly opportunities for other factions or even groups who just play on Lone Fighter public servers rather than dedicated private servers.
I’m thinking of setting up my own group to play LF - maybe primarily as US/British Allies since they need a bit of help on the public servers from my current experience.
I must admit I’m a bit surprised the devs haven’t fixed the terrible AI behaviour in the time since release. There seem to be some fairly obvious work-arounds which wouldn’t require tons of new coding (ie more command options for the players like ‘stay in cover’ or ‘shoot at enemies who shoot at friendlies’ rather than the current ‘passive’ option). Some form of basic match-making also seems like an obvious and desperately needed feature. I seem to see so many completely one-sided battles with all the noobs on one side and the experienced players all on the other side. I try to help but without some kind of commander role in the game and a total lack of voice comms there’s really no feasible way to co-ordinate the team to achieve a better result (Arma 3 was great for doing this though).

Rather than abandon all your time & effort invested in this game (and possibly £££) maybe it’s a good time to take a different approach. Seems a shame to throw away all that investment when there are alternative ways to play.
Personally, I just love the way this game plays compared to any of the alternatives, but recognise the significant issues preventing it from becoming more popular. I just hope the devs listen to constructive input before this game suffers the same fate as all the other games in this genre which have died from a rapidly dwindling player base. It seems the Arma franchise did something right - they still have a crazy amount of players every day despite Arma 3 being a game released way back in 2013.

If you have the energy to help start a new milsim group then you’re welcome to join me over on Discord at the aforementioned group. I can post more details if you’re interested.

This invite also goes out to anyone on here who reads this. I’m looking for people who want to work as a team and communicate. We won’t be doing any of the crazy run-and-gun stuff - this is just for people who enjoy a more realistic milsim experience. Players of the Arma series are obviously very welcome and will find the experience very familiar, but with the advantage of much nicer graphics and gunplay.

Thanks man, but I’m not really into forums online. All my posts inevitably end up becoming 2000-word essays LOL.

Long read, man. But I appreciate the effort.

As for your detection of the AI still being in a (warning, harsh words) miserable condition,
that’s what I was pointing on right after the first hours of playing this game. But I also pointed out that IF they find a way to manage a proper AI, this game could have some potential on the f2p market.
As for your information about me, I made clear in various statements, that I am a former professional creative lead in the games branch, working for a company that made the same mistakes like the devs do here and the result was a devastating loss of 8 years of extremely hard work. So, when I speak clearly about mistakes (and seriously, who likes to hear about mistakes being made), it’s less to humiliate the devs but more to help them out.

Uncountable comments from this community about the failures of the AI are completely unheard and without even a one liner about solving this problem by the devs who only seem to show themselves here when another event/premium bundle is being thrown out.
And actually this is not how you treat a community willing to help. So, frustration is included.

My will to help found a definite end, since the developers are not even willing to correct their announcement of the upcoming alpha testing, which simply isn’t an alpha testing but a closed beta again. That’s misleading a community and using it for their benefits - which ever these are.

I simply don’t care anymore.
I’ll show up here and then again in this forum due to being somewhat stuck in a job habit to watch the market and how projects evolve. Nothing more, nothing less.


ps: I never spent and never would have spent a single cent into this game, because the core (which is the AI -bound squadsystem) is obviously abandoned. And that was very clear for me even after 10 minutes of playing.

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Hey man,
I guess you also have a habit of skim-reading posts too quickly and missing key details hehe - I never said I have a dog - check again LOL.

I find it kinda strange that you realised the AI was terrible right from day 1, and yet continued to grind through an entire campaign - why would you subject yourself to that if you don’t enjoy it ?

I’ve pretty much given up on the squad based servers, not just because of the AI but also due to the unbalanced teams. However, I can still play on servers where I don’t need to deal with either of those issues.

It honestly seems that you’ve created your own misery. I can’t imagine hating so much about the squad game yet STILL grinding a campaign. If there was no alternative I would’ve just walked away in the 1st week, not carried on stubbornly in the vain hope that ‘maybe’ things would improve. How many hours of your life did you end up wasting on an experience you find so frustrating ? Who does that ???

Sorry, but it just makes no logical sense to me. You either hate something and decide to stop and find something more rewarding to do, or figure out a way to avoid the bits you don’t enjoy and sufficiently improve your experience so that it becomes a worthwhile activity.

If you feel the devs don’t care then why should YOU care ? If you’ve not invested any real money in the game then why not just walk away and save yourself the stress ? I could understand if maybe you’d spent a ton of money on Premium content on day 1 only to then discover all the problems which need fixing, but you could’ve walked away at any point and not lost a penny (or maybe a cent?). Instead you managed to lose hours of your life which could’ve been spent doing something you actually enjoy rather than something you totally hate. Makes zero sense to me.

I see you realised your mistake about the dog lol.

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Well, it looks like you on your side misinterpreted what I said about frustration.
I am less frustrated about the game, since it showed its quality right from the beginning, as I said.
The frustration is about the carelessness of the developers.

If I start to analyze a game, I do it entirely, not just to the points I detect weakness.
In order to comprehend the sources of the failures. And analyzing games is actually more fun to me than playing them (with few examples).
That may explain to you, why I did grind through the entire campaign.

Aside, the developers stated in the meantime while I was playing, that the AI has been improved,
so there was hope for a better. Unfortunately this dev statement wasn’t exactly true.
(for example, “the AI does not interrupt construction process anymore” - which showed clearly as a false claim)

So, again, I am a friend of naming the child by its name.
And when something appears as a complete mess, I name it exactly like this or in similar variations.
The experience with people feeling entitled by what they are doing, is, that they usually respond (if they do at all) to a friendly mannered tone in arguing their way out. It’s common and a year long experience in dealing with especially coders.
Then they have the aid of a playing community that tend to jump in front of those who factually make mistakes and start to defend them (for whatever reason, it does not matter to me).
This process leads to the judgement of a situation measured by majority/minority.
I am used to stand on the side of the minority, because the professional qualification of the playing majority has its clear limits. These limits are defined by subjectivity, a lack of age and experience and frustration about someone arguing objectively against what they felt to love.
Common. But it does not distract me in my point of view which I try to make as long clear as I can see that no help is wanted at all and what has been done is completely fine.
Then it’s a crystal clear “ok, fuck off and die (fig.)” from my side.

Possibly that helped a bit in clearing up some of your confusion.

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