Welcome to the Alpha test team

I just hope they make it better than the CBTs.

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another chapter to forgorā€¦ though, history kinda repeats it selfsā€¦

letā€™s aim for difference this time shall we.

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Honestly, why should someone hire testers for a game which already exists and therefore donā€™t need to be afraid of industry espionage etc.?

toā€¦ improve it?

i guess?

cheap labor is always welcome i suppose

Work for free.

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Itā€™s absolutely okay and even common for volunteers to ā€œhelpā€ - but please, NOT in ALPHA testing.
Keep it on Beta testing (and thatā€™s basically the definition between those testing phases) and weā€™re fine.

Donā€™t let your noble gesture of offering help being misused and mislead (aware or unaware by the developer - it makes not difference in the results)


I mean paid/ professional testers, not us plebs.

But are you for the people ?


well i understand.

and agree.

though from someone who has been here for almost 2 years, and many others feller testers can say, things werenā€™t and hasnā€™t been always great.

so, if a trusted handpicked folks report and devs act accordingly ( since i presume itā€™s getting difficult reading every single post in the forum ) itā€™s to the very least something.

which i hope, as you said, professionalls will be hired.

sounds like a limbo situations.

where you do what you can to get out from a bad situations to move your self into a better one.

unfortunately nothing new. similar to ghost writers. ( eh, kinda ).

but if we make it better, and we can help, why not :slight_smile:

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thatā€™s such a christian question my dear.

i wonder

ahā€¦ well

i guess they have experience. and can help.

though, yeah. they can only do so much when executive or who else kinda disregard them or has dead lines to push for.

still, if they exist, there must be a reason, right?.


Requesting players help and collecting their feedback, listening (more) to them?

Thatā€™s a big positive. Also a good way to avoid this mess of a forum.


Lol, anyway i sended my application explaining to them how i play (ge force now) and i can play some hour in the morning

So if is ok for them im ready to help, if not meh! I hope you get selected with @Conscript_Joe @Shiivex eccā€¦ im sure all of you do a great job and fix the bug on the p38ā€¦

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the forum is like one big dysfunctional family, and this is the best part of it


This is more of a saving cost measures. Transfering part of QA to player testers.

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We sure are dysfunctional indeed.


Exactly. Itā€™s a place for us players to entertain ourselves about the game we playā€¦

ā€¦For the devs thought, it might be an impossible task to weed out all the garbage (95% of the forum) from actual good ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand WHY they request a dedicated players team helping them. Easier to manage, with clearer results.

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We are all testers since its official launch in April 2021ā€¦ change for this would only be we get access to unreleased builds of whatever to test before it hits everyone else.

Itā€™s just another safety net for public branch, but of course, this should be a paid position in some capacity. If probably it could be, most likely Enlisted Gold as services rendered. But with real NDAā€™s, a set in stone actual money system could work. It wouldnā€™t be that difficult to take that further for real capital gain.


A fun thing 2 weeks ago i asked james groove if we get something like the new bug report site for suggestion and testing stuff, he said the forum was for this

I guess my suggestion get secretly accepted

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Itā€™s in the same mindset as:

ā€¦ Devs probably wish to stop combing the forums. I cannot blame them, itā€™s very logical.

They already hired the Vault Cat @Euthymia07 as he/she is the person knowing most the game inside out.

I would probably apply if I had more time, but alas Iā€™ll play less due to, well, life. Busy as can be.


You can always submit it and explain how much you can play in the apposite part of the request, if is not sufficient for them, he nothing change to us im in your same situation

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