Welcome to the Alpha test team

I figured so - but thanks for responding nonetheless. spasibo )))


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I would give you my real name at request afterwards if thats possible

Does that mean i cannot get accepted anymore?…. :cry:


Let’s take a deep breath!
Then watch this :arrow_down:

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You may be accepted.
After receiving requests, we will consider them.


Consoles aren’t asked like always, are they?

Maybe CBT Testers got better chances because we played the game over years

Was a joke regarding the last three paid CBTs… sadly the joke deleted itself.

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is this alpha test team where you test specific scenarios you get from devs on alpha server? and mostly it is for free or for some symbolic ingame tokens?

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Very clever.
Instead of hiring playtesters you are offering the community to do the job for free.

TBH i would do the same.


Again, an alpha tester is a professional who receives a salary and a contract. The applicant has to send in a proper application, which includes real name, address, vita (and the usual requirements of a trustworthy application)

As for this call for alpha testing recruits it’s very very simple:
Is a legal contract offered?
Is a salary offered?
If not, it’s simply NOT “regulated” in its basic requirements. Period.

Look, I have been working in media for over two decades, 8 years as a creative lead in the games industry.
And I can tell you from a very very sad experience what happens if your company hires sloppily people who either work voluntarily or without checking their professional background deeply on the conventional way and in conformity with the law - 8 years of extremely hard work, blood, sweat and tears, sacrificed weekends and what the fuck not, they GO DOWN THE DRAIN. Devastatingly.
And I witnessed dozens of similar cases taking the same way down that drain. All with the same common mistakes.
Making this mistakes, makes you wiser.
I personally pointed that out in face of my company but they also did not want to listen or comprehend. Result: See above.

If you want this game really become a success, then you should do the opposite of what you were yelling for. Shout out for a boycott to become a voluntary, non-professional alpha tester.
In order to open the eyes of a developer and force them to go the professional way with the result of a professional product.

That’s it, nothing more to add.


Is already more fair than what ubisoft do with the first the division

I still remember the “wait”


NDA is a form of regulation.

more than that.

and as much i agree more or less,

still. trying won’t hurt if it helps stuff to get better.

it’s kinda that simple.

help, or don’t.

it’s not always about the reward

P.S. you’re not telling me anythign new. we’ve been there, complained there etc. now that it presets a chance, we should take it. or so i think within given reason and possibilities.

since all the things in the past didn’t counted that much, we either leave it, or take it. pretty much.
and what i said above, about joining the resistance etc. it’s a form of sarcasm. or rather, " humor".

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Took you guys long enough …


Agree, This is something we do if we want do it :slightly_smiling_face: and we already do it a bit testing and riproducing bug or glitch in game

The difference with this application is we can directly report this kind of problem to them and suggest solution withaut wait forum helper pass it to the dev, a more fast way for this kind of community support

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No, a Non Disclosure Agreement is nothing but a legal document that saves a (in this case)
developer from internals to get to the outside (public and business competitors).
Nothing more, nothing less.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the regulation of a contractual relationship between two professionals (employer/employee).

Please don’t twist reality to your arguments’ benefit.

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That isn’t clever, that’s amateurish.
And will result in a disaster.

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Well. Why should they anyway?

i’M a wOmAN oF tHE pEoPLE! 11!

jokes aside, i play enlisted in my free time. and if i can help, sure why not.
it’s kinda what i always have aimed for. improvements. i can confidently say it’s what i have been doing in this forum for 2 years. i don’t take credits nor the blaim. as long it works, that’s fine by me.

( sounds like your tipical abusive relation ship. but what else can you do ).

just don’t wanna see this game getting close. or turning into something that shouldn’t be.

beside, it is voluntary. none is pointing a gun at anyone.

as much i would like getting paid, i don’t… care. cool titles, sure whatever. but the product is what matters.


smol company, plz understand :joy: