Welcome to the Alpha test team

For information, since some Stuff in unclear.

You have to send your real Name. Because if you want to be a part of the team you have to sign a NDA. You will then know some internal secrit information about system and other Stuff.

Of course your Data will be Safe. Im Staff since some year and still alive.

Also Topic cleared a bit


surely… that won’t happen. right? :upside_down_face: ( regarding picking everyone up as some sort of conscript enlistment )

don’t answer that

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I think this game’s QA has been cost saving to nearly not working…
Sometimes I dont even think QA launched the released versions of the game… Like the Pacific allies logo… You can see it as soon as you logged in the game…

btw, what happened to the forum flags?


@FastGT007 oh no :worried: @James_Grove
i am sorry but now i sent only my ingame name… can i somehow delete the old application and send a new one with my real name??? I really want to become part of the team

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I only gave first name, how do I resubmit form?

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Same for me, how can i change it?

From elite86 word, they was out of place

what do they mean by thattttttttttttttttttt

let me guess. someone got offended by the ammount of europeean flags…

I send you the screen

If you are accepted into the alpha testing team, then, among other things, you will communicate with the internal QA team and find out the real names of the enlisted team.
In work chats, of course, we communicate with each other by name.


@QA_meerosch I already submitted it with only my ingamename….
How do send the application again? I cannot open the link anymore… Please help

Would these work chats be involved on a private discord or pararam? Would be good to know in case people would have to create a separate account just to communicate with said team.

The “dirty work”??
What you call “dirty work” is
a) a completely normal process in developing games
b) that kind of work that gives employees a salary, because of a)

If a company is asking of and reacting to the feedback (and yea, including complaints) of an early access title, that’s one thing and just normal in questions of “Do we fulfill the wishes of our receiving community”.

Putting non-professional players in the position of a professional task, is just…catastrophic.
Because the vast majority of people here are NOT professionals.
That’d be like Ferrari asking the common sportscar driver and enthusiast to test their newest prototype on the test track.

I guess you and many others ignore the difference between a beta- and an alpha-tester.
It’s a HUGE difference.


They firstly do a selection of all applicant, i think those wo gonna be hired initially are like @ErikaKalkbrenner @Shiivex old Alpha tester and active forum user

No one is so sutipid to hire someone wo joined the game in the past 3 days

What you say is true and rigth to point out but i dont think here is thath case…

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perhaps i should have worded it diffrently.

but yes. that is their job after all.

which they did, and sometimes they actually furfilled doing so, and others time they did not.

and it leads us to this alpha test team.

they might need a new one, the current one might not be working, or they might need more people innit.

i don’t see what’s wrong with that.

you are entitled to just sit back and complain. or, try to make a difference and join.
there aren’t any chains that keeps in you the game.

that’s up to you. if you have time, then join. if you don’t, don’t.

it’s really that simple.

not if regulated.

which it’s up for them to judge. and i’m sure ( eh ) they will pretty much check the past of each individuals on the forum or other forms.

except, enlisted is not a ferrari.

and hence, can be somewhat be accessabile by everyone due being free to play.


if you must use similitudinies, use approximately closer ones.

i don’t… wanna inflatuate my ego as it serves no purposes. but i can somewhat say the alpha tester and beta testers ( to the very least, most of them. not all ) did a good job at point things out that later on got fixed.

now, since the forum is now cluttered by every type of bugs ( and non bugs. because people consider many things a bug despite nog being )

i don’t blain dev for handpicking and hand selected testers with some credibility.

nothing new out of the ordinary.

which passionate people do tend to work better with guidelines or to the very least, some notions and informations.

what you seems not understanding, are the situations of differences.

but, as the end of the day, you either join or don’t.
which you make the call.

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The survey service does not include the ability to resubmit.
But dont worry.


eh, i’m not sure i’ll be hired for various reasons.

i just made an attempt. and it’s fine if they don’t “hire” me. there are wonderfull people on this forum even better than me :smiley:

what matters here, is to gain reputable people and make this game better than ever through communication. which has kinda been lacking ( although increasingly getting better. and this one above, is one among the biggest and relevant signs )


I cant say much about that.
You will find out, if you gonna be enlisted =)


This has nothing to do with Alpha Tester player. Its just the Name. It more a Position as Technical Moderator