Weapons and vehicles of the "Rzhev" update

These are welcomed changes, please please don’t forget premium customization options for SAS, Horn, Moroccan squads to name a few…

Also can you please decrease Su85 BR as no one uses it on 5, I use Su100 or IS 2 or T34100. Might get use in BR4

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More likely, the Super Pershing will be progression but the one that actually went to Europe and was heavily field-modified will be premium.


So keep them out of BR5?

I’d be happy if it were the case… I’m just not certain we will have the Super Pershing without the added Panther plates (devs showed plated Super Pershing model a while back) :thinking:

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Well is not so strange if come in both premium and free version as other equipment already have done

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Interesting decision with the SIG KE7. Japan already has strong machine guns at BR III, but they have yet to receive anything for BR IV, for which there are at least two authentic options including the Te-4 and Type 92 7.7mm. The KE7 could have been saved for a future battle pass season since Japan has few domestic options.

All fair except this

These saw combat, deff rd44 did in battlefield trails
On mobile so cant dig research on AS44 but someone here knows


oh dam didnt notice Jame change picture It’s uh interesting i guess

It’s same but in different style


There is a kind of beauty and art after the end of the world and the collapse of the soul.
Today’s QA must be too tiring, especially for several repeated questions.

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In the next version, the Soviet AVT-40 should be strengthened, because after the United States obtains the T20, the AVT-40 will become the weakest level five rifle in the overall performance of the game, with the lowest bullet count, slowest firing rate, maximum recoil, and the same damage as the T20. So, please strengthen AVT-40 in the next version.

This looks like a weak update ngl

I was expecting more weapons and vehicles instead of 7 tech tree weapons/vehicles and two premium vehicles.

Automatic Rifles Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Recoil Offs Weight(kg) Additional Info
AVT-40 176 000 XP V 15.3 12.5 815 15* 2.5 1.7 660 87 32 0.25 22 8 0.18 0.0 15.0 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.3 3.85 15/45
Select-Fire Rifles Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Recoil Offs Weight(kg) Additional Info
FG 42 II 176 000 XP V 14.4 11.8 750 20* 2.6 - 830 44 8 1.0 44 8 0.22 0.0 23.0 0.3 0.35 0.65 - 5.0 20/40

But the fg42II has a faster firing rate and more bullets, so what I’m saying is “comprehensive performance.”.

Which usually also means more recoil.

And has no bayonet.

AVT still has more damage and better accuracy and bayonet while bayonet for FG42 has been teased for months now but did not deliver.
And FG does not even start in full-auto unlike the AVT.

And it is pointless to compare US with Soviet gear since the Soviets do not fight the Allies (yet). And if so, I would not start with the T20, but with something else…


Germany is screwed next update.


well its in war thunder also so gaijin doing gaijin things

yep wouldnt be surprise if jap tiger show up tbh

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True, I was expecting a Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B or maybe throw in the belt-fed MG 42 everyone has been waiting for. It’s just so disappointing. Why don’t they add more weapons and vehicles per update?


The Allied counterattack has begun