Weapons and vehicles of the "Rzhev" update

One chi ri was built with 75mm but i read that It was supposed mount the hori cannon to

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A single unarmed prototype of the Type 5 Chi-Ri was completed by May 1945 so it didnt have cannon thats why there was a myth around it that Japanese might have wanted to use 88mm like Germans by Americans later document showed that it was meant to use 75 mm anyhow(The 88mm variant is used in men of war Assault squad 2 )

There was plans to upgrade the CHi-ri to accommodate 105mm cannon of Ho-ri but it wan only in the plan phase no sketch or anything unlike Ho-ri the name of the tank was going to be Chi-se

The inclusion of new vehicles is always welcome, despite the downside of locking them behind premium I fully understand it’s part of your business model and it’s always been like this. I don’t mind that and I’m not surprised.

Now what I really want to see is more map variety. Specially for high tiers. Anything post 1943 Eastern Front I think will be very welcomed by the community. There’s so many options to choose from if we consider the Bagration offensive, East of the Vistula, Budapest siege, Kharvok battles, etc. (Let’s give good ol’ Stalingrad a break, no more Tigers and T-34-85s, please)

For Axis vs Western Allies I’ve been wishing for Market Garden for a while. I originally thought that was gonna be the next map after the paratroopers were initially announced a long time ago. And then you gave the steel mill plant, which is… okay. However, there’s just so many war maps you could work on, choosing from battles that happened in Western Germany or the Italian front.

Anyways, just my two cents. I’ve been liking all the updates so far. I’m looking forward to play in Rzhev.

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I would say it was in plan never stopped to see it in game, imo if American get super Pershing for the TT Japanese need the chiri with the 102 for balance

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ok i think that enough about the Ho-Ri (even tho i technically start it tbh) but it is what it is. It is here now and no one seem to complain about it. (altho after i found out i am a bit against it but it is what it is)

maybe i should suggest a Huot a canadian machine gun? i forgot

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I wouldnt mind I love prototypes and one of the reasons why I play this game


Yep my mistake :bowing_man:

Me to Enlisted is becoming a beautiful digital library of ww2 weaponry other than a videogame


Hey james,could you give us a rough estimate for how much these squads will cost? Thanks in advance

Btw @James_Grove is anything from this planned for the big update?

  • BR 3-5 removed from Stalingrad, or an option added to not be sent there (insta quit anyway)
  • BR ±1 matchmaking introduced (or at least BR1 not vs BR3)
  • Disable users decals and decorators display option added (client side like in WT)
  • Automatic adaptive camo for all vehicles introduced (purchased camos bound to biomes)
  • Standard faction decals and turret numbers with limited positions and sizes, unlockable through gameplay, introduced for all vehicles
  • Standard issue uniforms added for Premium/Event squads outside of “native” biomes (Moroccans get standard US uniforms in Normandy, Volkssturm gets standard Wehrmacht uniforms in Tunisia, etc.)
  • Option to select the nationality of purchased soldier added (US/UK, GER/ITA)
  • Faction specific AT guns added for all sides (even if just reskins), scalable with high/low BR
  • Faction specific ammo boxes and med boxes added
  • Standard truck added for Germany (Opel Blitz or Mercedes L3000)
  • Non-premium versions of Churchill, Firefly, Valentine (different gun/ammo) added for Allies
  • Improved matchmaker logic that tries to send Crusaders to Tunisia and LVT to Pacific but not vice-versa
  • New maps added for high BR USSR vs Germany to offset Stalingrad loss
  • Make engineer squads or a single engineer in each squad the default new polayer loadout
  • Fat XP bonus for “play any faction”
  • Research of whole line no longer required if the previous and following item is unlocked (KV zis moment)

would damn be awsome to see but most likly will be a Go other than that I have kept a Gem,too that I was going to suggest in my what each nation needs PT.2 and
Thats Mondragon LMG
Mondragon LMG(A light machine gun version with a built-in bipod and 100 ammunition magazine was also produced and was in use until it was replaced by the Mendoza M1943 machine gun.)
Also for this variant Mexicans developed a 30 round drum mag,too (Not the same as German 30 round helical mag) but it could accept any mag made for M1908 Mondragon(that means 6.10and 20 round are also acceptable) (There was a AA variant with 200 mag but cant find a pic )(Fires 7mm spanish mauser)


we need more canadian gun in the game tbh


Did I read,


But yeah give the Skink. Axis got a nice new flak to take out planes, why couldn’t allies down planes with maple syrup coated ammunition?


I want my pasta ammunition now


Meatball warheads!!!


smaller tanks kills through whole huge wall buildings and hills im curious about these

Some people actually play lower BR

Is this supposed to be a statement about why they shouldn’t be added? Because their literal starting vehicle which every player has is a prototype that didn’t go into production and only had a single model produced.

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The german tractor should be in the tech tree


Well chito have 2 fully functional unit built out of 6, production stopped because Japanese industry was crippled

The tank can be compared with the T34 85 or Sherman 76 in level of firepower

Sure. I’m personally opposed to it because wafflestomping new players just makes the game die quicker. But overly bloating BR III with extra tanks is not great for an update.

Vehicles have gotten an overwhelming amount of focus in the past several updates? When do we get infantry-focused updates? Or is this just Warthunder 2.0?