Weapons and vehicles of the "Rzhev" update

oh dam didnt notice Jame change picture It’s uh interesting i guess

It’s same but in different style


There is a kind of beauty and art after the end of the world and the collapse of the soul.
Today’s QA must be too tiring, especially for several repeated questions.

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In the next version, the Soviet AVT-40 should be strengthened, because after the United States obtains the T20, the AVT-40 will become the weakest level five rifle in the overall performance of the game, with the lowest bullet count, slowest firing rate, maximum recoil, and the same damage as the T20. So, please strengthen AVT-40 in the next version.

This looks like a weak update ngl

I was expecting more weapons and vehicles instead of 7 tech tree weapons/vehicles and two premium vehicles.

Automatic Rifles Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Recoil Offs Weight(kg) Additional Info
AVT-40 176 000 XP V 15.3 12.5 815 15* 2.5 1.7 660 87 32 0.25 22 8 0.18 0.0 15.0 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.3 3.85 15/45
Select-Fire Rifles Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Recoil Offs Weight(kg) Additional Info
FG 42 II 176 000 XP V 14.4 11.8 750 20* 2.6 - 830 44 8 1.0 44 8 0.22 0.0 23.0 0.3 0.35 0.65 - 5.0 20/40

But the fg42II has a faster firing rate and more bullets, so what I’m saying is “comprehensive performance.”.

Which usually also means more recoil.

And has no bayonet.

AVT still has more damage and better accuracy and bayonet while bayonet for FG42 has been teased for months now but did not deliver.
And FG does not even start in full-auto unlike the AVT.

And it is pointless to compare US with Soviet gear since the Soviets do not fight the Allies (yet). And if so, I would not start with the T20, but with something else…


Germany is screwed next update.


well its in war thunder also so gaijin doing gaijin things

yep wouldnt be surprise if jap tiger show up tbh

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True, I was expecting a Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B or maybe throw in the belt-fed MG 42 everyone has been waiting for. It’s just so disappointing. Why don’t they add more weapons and vehicles per update?


The Allied counterattack has begun



why don’t you give us the 50 round version and move it to BR IV?

This will be very unlikely since the non modified version is not even in War Thunder.

a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one for all of these additions.

i like how the pz IV G was treated ( … even though, the skin is from the old pz IV E ) but when it comes to cosmetics, i’m not gonna argue over it.

however i have two questions,

what is the price on these premium vehicles?

will the flak get the ability to have the AA reticle that the apc, AA tanks and aa vehicles gets?


type hei AR-> better recoil, better dispersion, 30 round magazine, with slightly less damage, but enough to OHK
but i agree that it is better than fg42 II.

well germans still have most powerful tank. if p47 needs to be nerfed i would wait till super pershing at least.

i would rather reduce vertical recoil cause currently it has double of anything comparable. although it would leave soviets kinda weird with AVT and 15 round mag.

cause it ended mid war. BR3 is mid game :stuck_out_tongue:

valve doesnt know how to count to 3. you want example?
counter strike (1-1.6), cs:condition zero (can be looked as modified standalone 1.x cause of SP), cs:source (this should have been real CS2), cs:go(this should have been real cs3), cs2(well it is direct upgrade to go so 3.5?).

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Yes, so it should be BR 1-3, because it ended in spring 1943, before Kursk, before Panther, T-34-85, IS-2, Tiger 2 were introduced.

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people outside ex soviet republics mostly only know of 4-5 eastern battles and mostly they know it superficially. leningrad, moscow, stalingrad as 3 axis of german offensive, berlin and some know of kursk as largest tank battle.

unless BR3 gets new MM, any BR3 should be on mid game maps.