Weapons and vehicles of the next update

you don’t need the same ammount to destroy any tiger.

because the m9 can take them out perfectly fine ( as long you’re not that naive to use the tube head one. i’m afraid it’s not the m9 inadequate, but rather, your rules of engagement )

sure, the m20 could be a nice addition for along side / opposite of the panzershreck

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Well. The Panzerfaust and the Schreck can.

because those are different weapons.

p.s. ( the faust can’t head on an is2 and is1 either )

and since the m9 is technically on the same bracket, they can still take out panthers if aimed on the turret, or tigers from the flanks.

which even if you cannot destroy it, you can always detrack it, and shoot for the player to jump down and repair it.

or… drop a mark and let the bombs or other tanks deal with it.

dunno where you all think that anti tank class is about destroy completely tanks.

in reality, their job was to deal with tanks, or temper their mobility.

sure, there could be an argument of not always being ideal and bla bla bla.

but once again, if you do manage to get on the flanks, they can finish the job. if not, lob those rockets to the tracks and wait for the crew to jump down .

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Yes, I can slightly angle my tiger and yours m9 instantly becomes worthless.
But what do I really know? I act like 102 vs 180 pene is somehow a relevant difference.


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it’s not a shaped charge, but a rocket.

they work in complete different ways.

and with the m9, you need flat surfaces.

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Works fine for me i can pen Panthers and Tiger E with ease, but if Panther wakes up from torturing his crew one by one he can take you out in a single hit without much aiming.

you can’t destroy an is1 or 2 with a panzerfause 30 from the front.

only 60 and 100

It’s less the penetration and more the post pen damage from what I’ve been told. It’s supposed to create spall and just kinda…doesn’t

It’s pfaust 60 and you can do it very easily.

But whatever, I don’t want to spam news topic.

cool if this mean jap will have a lot of player in the future then cool im down for getting that weird double barrel mg

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A HEAT rocket!

does it look like a heat rocket to you? ( the way it work rn ) ?

not to me.

so, as we both know, you kinda have to use it on flat surfaces.

Almost certainly not, but that’s what it’s supposed to be. The M9 Bazooka fires the I believe it is the M6A1 HEAT rocket. Could be wrong on the designation
Also the M7A3 WP rockets which would be SO COOL TO HAVE


With AP i can’t pen them but with APCR i can pen them and kill one by one. So it’s working i dunno about spalling most likely it’s broken.

Tiger E is even easier to destroy than a Panther
Two lucky shots and it’s burning and going to explode. All thanks to the APCR, with AP you wouldn’t be able to do anything

according to the game ( more like, datamine/editor );

the m9 still uses:

essentially, m6a3 rockets ( which… are still HEAT rocket after all )

They can be labeled correctly in the game all it wants. Doesn’t mean it functions as it should. Lol

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that’s precisely my point.

they are either incorrectly coded ( % of angles )

or… they are bugged and do not work how they are supposed to.

for the moment being, flat surfaces only.

Well, nothing I ain’t used to with being a US main in a Gaijin sanctioned game
I’d 100% use the M7A3 WP rockets though. Bully some SPAA with em

The Soviet Union was the only country without low-stage anti-tank rockets and grenades
it’s not fair to them
Especially when your enemy has a small pistol with a 70MM penetration capability.

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The payload on these Japanese aircraft seem pretty anemic compared to american counterparts at the same BR. I hope the Japanese eventually get a BR balancing update and get some of their stuff lowered in BR.