Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Man as a Japanese main, I am excited but very worried, I am unsure how IV Japan will get along vs B.R 5 US, I hope it goes well.


Hope the Type Hei Automatic rifle is a good gun. Type 4 is too trash to use.


Maybe there is no super Pershing because:
M26 gets APCR :rofl: APCR has bad post penetration even in basically you have to hit an ammo rack or kill every single crew member

  • APCR has bad penetration against sloped armour
    If the Tiger 2 (H) angle its turret you not going to penetrate it
    but maybe in Enlisted modelled differently idk

Firefly/Achilles gets APDS what can punch trough Panthers UFP and Tiger 2 (H) cheeks but these tanks locked behind pay wall

Or maybe the Super Pershing still not ready

But APCR has bad post penetration values at least in WT

Idk in Enlisted

Hi, nice to make your acquaintance. I used to have some troops with the lunge mines equiped and then out of curiosity I took them to the practice area so that I could see how much damage they do on armor and to my surprise, I didn’t do anything even to American half tracks, so in the end I started to get rid of them and equip either at mines or at infantry mines.

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Wow, so nice, more of this type of player, :smile:
Welcome, to game, or just new to the forum?

Well hopefully they can restore them, to working, and let the fun begin,
seem to remember they worked once, but when i came back, they weren’t working, idk why, but can only ask
is a barrel of giggles watching them chase tanks :smile:

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Yeah I know what you mean at times when I’m playing I try to play professionally like take cover or try to keep them in the distance, but that’s almost impossible for me to do because I’m either doing everything by myself or I’m trying to prevent them from taking the control point which most of the times I end up falling which would put me in pissed off mood because some of these points I’m a bit familiar with and when I lose them my whole game falls apart.

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Well you should notice a diff, once new update drops, on steam, people will be back to grind the new stuff.
Player number should improve.
And kudos to you bro, you been here since November slogging/grinding away, against horrible odds, by yourself and you still in game, and haven’t given up, Gratz bro

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Not this update but helper and community manager said its not scrapped and will be coming later

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You’re welcome, although I mostly play as Japan (no air force) I’m a little bit excited about the new updates and I even recommended some ideas for the game like new uniforms and new weapons like a Otsu rifle scoped like the Springfield or a type 2 SMG prototype that has a magazine of a type 99 MG basically a made up assault rifle since some of the factions have one like the ussr and germany have one etc I do hope that my ideas get put in.
Although honestly I wasn’t expecting a update for Japan especially the Ho-ri TD.


It seems a lot of people don’t like the idea of the Ho-ri being added.

For balance reasons it should be added and don’t worry HA(Historical accuracy) community don’t like a lot of stuff and complain about them but we get those stuff anyway


TBH, i am not a fan either,
but it coming, sure some will have fun with it, wont get stuck on anything :stuck_out_tongue:
not really a tank dude myself, so its not on my wish list :stuck_out_tongue:


I am a tank guy so it is on my list (not really ok with non exist but it ok I will accept it)


I have no idea
I saw at least 10 Cougars destroy KV1 last week

Most of everyone is talking about how it would break the game or make it unbalanced since it can take lots of damage and probably single kill a enemy vehicle. However from my perspective along with my experience in understanding on how it isn’t so. 1 the vehicle is handicapped(doesn’t have a movable turret kinda like the Na-to) it’s probably not going to have a MG and it’s probably not going to have sufficient anti infantry ammo.
2 it’s probably going to be slow in movement unlike the Chi nu that has better mobility(which is surprising considering that it’s a heavy tank)
3 the terrain in the Pacific maps aren’t that very open like in Europe which would make it hard for it to be concealed properly and do it’s job properly like lumpy hills and elevated spots.
Overall it has a few pros but a lot of cons because the real threat against this is anti tank infantry getting close because lots of players or bots don’t actually make it a priority to defend it( which is something i tend to do because its vital to do so) and its profile isn’t low who should be easy for anyone to spot and mark so that the air force could eliminate it.


It doesn’t bother me I simply wasn’t expecting it.

Even if you tell them the truth, they won’t understand.
Because people who pretend to be asleep cannot be woken up

Yeah the thought of spading it, sends shivers down my spine
petty sure in WT i didn’t spade this, and may of even stopped that tree because of it :stuck_out_tongue:
prolly drives like 18 kph, eek
Yeah pacific, be a sitting duck for sure :rofl:
And don’t forget, everybody, will want to kill you, in your new toy, with there new toy :rofl:

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