Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Maybe, but I don’t remember German AI using Mp41(r) post event. German AI in Stalingrad carrying Mp41(r) was a bug as far as I know.

I believe this is bug as well. Isn’t it?

Maybe, helpers are yet to confirm.

I doubt xD this is exactly the type of stuff you’ll never get an official answer for.
All we can do is speculate.

If the Type Hei’s 10m damage exceeds 13.5, then it will become the most powerful full power rifle in all factions. As you know, the Americans don’t have anything like this that can compete with it, which will cause the Americans to rely entirely on aircraft to fight against the Axis powers, and this will disrupt game balance and fun. We hope that the development team can carefully design the data for this weapon

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Are KV-1 (ZiS-5) going to get APCR shells? If not then it’s a pointless upgrade since as BRIV tank it will go against Tiger 1 and Panthers (obviously against KT you can only bail out). Sub 100mm of pen is a joke and you should be only playing T-34-85 or Is-2.

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It is still going to be better than Pz IV H.


I know I’m dashing, but still!

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Nope it won’t

PZ4H eats it for a breakfast. Most of the time it will 1 shot it anywhere against the hull. KV-1 can struggle at BR3 if GER player decides to play with any of the long barreled Pz4 and at BR4 it’s a suicide even with a APCR shell which we may never get anyway. We should skip that tank and get KV-85 instead:

or give us this beauty: MK-II "Matilda" (USSR) - War Thunder Wiki

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That’s not what I have experienced in game tho.

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well KV-1 has a lot of bouncing armor parts (just like t-34 and is-2) especially if you angle it but if you face it from the front then kv-1 will die in a single hit almost every single time and from a side then it’s game over for kv-1 with no chance of survival no matter what even with BR2 tanks

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Yeah they still need better AT gun, tanks and AT weapons… When BR5 is open for them they are dead for real, or pure meta build to even keep up

I still dont understand why DF reluctantly giving US tanks APCBC even though its their common ammunition. German tanks has them but why not US? Only 76mm cannon has APCBC at this point in time.

For those that miss the historical accuracy from the old Enlisted. KV-1’s vs early Tigers and Panthers, that’s the way it was in the battle of Kursk, wasn’t it?

The long 75mm L42/46/48 doesn’t work that well against KV1 in Stalingrad, sure it pens and kill the crew, but KV1 can legit ine shot you by the turret and blow up the tank due soviet superior APHE shell, APCBC sucks man

German 88mm are great though, always one shot tanks for me

I’m not too big a fan of making the M1 a soviet tree unlock; I would have preferred it be tied to an event or premium squad. (if memory serves the soviets didn’t care to much for the m1 anyways)

This slow trend towards homogenization is worrying. There are better ways to go about balancing things, the soviets’ focus on AT rifles was a fun differentiation in playstyle from other factions, oh well.

Nice to see further confirmation the M26 is coming in the next major update. BR V Japanese matches should be…interesting…


Since all tanks have full ammo in this game, the only real use for solid shots is snipe ammo racks, but even that is inconsistent at best.

Have you even played a game as Japan? You claim to only play Germany so why are you complaining so heavily about Japan, a faction that you likely haven’t played at all?


Yep. I need to get to work in Japan. I have >3M research points in US, >2M in USSR, >1M in Germany and only a few hundred thousand in Japan. With all this new Japan content, I’ve clearly not calculated correctly… time to please the Emperor (though join any is still pretty fun in my opinion).