Weapons and vehicles of the next update

I don’t agree with you. Japan needs BR 5. Wasn’t Japan winning most of its games when it first released? It’s a population issue. More equipment means more players shifting to Japan.

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Here’s a wooden mock-up of one found in the japanese archives.
It’s fine if they add prototypes imo.

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“you know what? this called game called Enlisted not War Thunder so dont bring certain WT logic that dont works in this game”

You know the fact that tanks/planes ( planes from older WT ) coming from WT so you can compare them except planes but that different story

BR has nothing to do with it as long as you can deal tanks from the side but when its taken away by the bad nap design its not certain tanks fault like:

puma cannot deal with a Jumbo from the front
so what to do? Yes flank it but guess what? Yes gray zone
So its not the Puma fault its the map design

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Bruh, you are wasting time here. You already prove that such tactic will not work in Enlisted, so Chi Ri and Chi To cannot deal with Jumbo, Pershing and Super Pershing in this game, end of the story.

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Yea but from what people are saying is it doesn’t even have a real version as in a real metal box functional tank unlike maus and other proto tank that have at least 1 functional metal body

That why people said it shouldn’t be in game personally idk how I feel tbh

Ho-ri III(The one we are getting) wasn’t the one that Japan tried to produce in first place
The Ho-Ri Tank destroyer went into production with 5 under production construction however the version Japan chose is the Ho-Ri II since it was based on the Chi-Ri II chassis which they already built which would fastened the preperations for production. Ho-Ri Plan III which is in War Thunder wasn’t the actual chosen version.
From Sombralix topic Japanese Tanks (Their Future in Enlisted, Hopefully...) - #4 by Sombralix

And also I would like to see Heavy tank number 4 as it was made even if partially
(Heavy tank NO.4s turret used as a stationary gun Manchuria later on Russians blow the gun up)
(H.T.NO.4 in WOT)

(Ho-ri II)

(And HO-ri 1 which would be easier to model you just have to put Ho-ri III’s(we are getting) turret on the back of CH-RIs hull they can add the CH-ri model from WT)(From men of war)(though this might be just a paper tank as Ho-RI 3)


Heavy tank look cool anyway so 5 Ho Ri 2 exist? Or are they saying 5 Ho Ri exist well that good I guess

But that also mean I can now request tank that exist but weren’t use (which is why I said enlisted is more “alternate universe” now which is fine)

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Sure buddy think what you want

? It won’t be foldered?

I’m confused. I think they made a br mistake, because new KV is br 4 :thinking:


If It’s in the official japanese military archives for that era, then I say sure, add it. Japan needs help anyways. Plus, It’ll be cool to see these things work in a game environment.


yea i guess tbh i want it since it look like a better dicker max it even use 105mm just like the dicker max (altho probably not the same but still)

You know you don’t have to make things up if you do a little research and find out equivalents to both did exist prototype wise.
Some versions of the Type Kō have a scope mount so that would easily work as a Japanese SL-Sniper and they did test a Model 2 SMG in the 6.5x30mm Type 95 experimental cartrdige which is very similar to .30 carbine.
I really don’t like made up things for the sake of “well the other ones have them” especially when its just lazy.

Excuse me but citing Waffentrager is probably the worst thing one could do to your credibility, Waffentrager is known to make things up and outright fake information.
About Waffentrager’s “Type 5 gun tank” post - Mechanized Warfare - Sturgeon's House see this

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Lol did you read all of those text before replying? He is saying that MaiWaffentrager literally admit that Ho Ri in game is fake.

Its not about that, its about citing Waffentrager as a credible person.
If you read the thread I posted you can see Waffentrager lying about, funny enough, the Ho-Ri before.

Lol using your logic a scammer cannot plead guilty.
Because he is not a credible person to do so.

Why cite the scammer in the first place.
Also I wouldn’t call that admitting as the message still presents itself as if the material was credible and the fault was entirely on gaijin.

Even you give people solid proof, some of them still not gonna believe it.
But if the person admits it, then those people will believe it.

The Ho Ri in the game is fake, that’s it.
The fault is on Gaijin or not is not the stuff we are discussing.

I didn’t know about this drama, I’m not really interested in these. But does that mean that all the info provided about the Ho-Ri is fake ? I don’t think so. War Thunder at least has never been on the level of WoT about fakes, like the Waffenträger E-100 (damn, that thing was cursed).

Still, no one has any info or pics about the ground use of the Type 100 MG ? :neutral_face: