Weapons and vehicles of the next update

? It won’t be foldered?

I’m confused. I think they made a br mistake, because new KV is br 4 :thinking:


If It’s in the official japanese military archives for that era, then I say sure, add it. Japan needs help anyways. Plus, It’ll be cool to see these things work in a game environment.


yea i guess tbh i want it since it look like a better dicker max it even use 105mm just like the dicker max (altho probably not the same but still)

You know you don’t have to make things up if you do a little research and find out equivalents to both did exist prototype wise.
Some versions of the Type Kō have a scope mount so that would easily work as a Japanese SL-Sniper and they did test a Model 2 SMG in the 6.5x30mm Type 95 experimental cartrdige which is very similar to .30 carbine.
I really don’t like made up things for the sake of “well the other ones have them” especially when its just lazy.

Excuse me but citing Waffentrager is probably the worst thing one could do to your credibility, Waffentrager is known to make things up and outright fake information.
About Waffentrager’s “Type 5 gun tank” post - Mechanized Warfare - Sturgeon's House see this

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Lol did you read all of those text before replying? He is saying that MaiWaffentrager literally admit that Ho Ri in game is fake.

Its not about that, its about citing Waffentrager as a credible person.
If you read the thread I posted you can see Waffentrager lying about, funny enough, the Ho-Ri before.

Lol using your logic a scammer cannot plead guilty.
Because he is not a credible person to do so.

Why cite the scammer in the first place.
Also I wouldn’t call that admitting as the message still presents itself as if the material was credible and the fault was entirely on gaijin.

Even you give people solid proof, some of them still not gonna believe it.
But if the person admits it, then those people will believe it.

The Ho Ri in the game is fake, that’s it.
The fault is on Gaijin or not is not the stuff we are discussing.

I didn’t know about this drama, I’m not really interested in these. But does that mean that all the info provided about the Ho-Ri is fake ? I don’t think so. War Thunder at least has never been on the level of WoT about fakes, like the Waffenträger E-100 (damn, that thing was cursed).

Still, no one has any info or pics about the ground use of the Type 100 MG ? :neutral_face:

Everything is disputed like 10 times and nobody can agree as to which modell of the propsals japan was actually building and how much of it is accurate as the final tank never was completed by the end of the war. This was the impression I got watching people complaining about it the moment it was teased.

People will fight it until release than just accept it like they accept AS-44


The AS 44 was built and tested, you can find pics and documentation, so there’s no big reason to debate.

Some never did and are quiet vocal about it.
But ultimately the only opinion that really matters in cases like that is that of DF and removing stuff does not seam like something they are keen to do.


The National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense, Military Administration of Ordnance, 4th Technical Research Institute Details on Prototype Ho-Ri (First document)
The National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense, Military Administration of Munitions Mobilization, Production Chart of January to April of 1945(Second document)
According to these at least 5 Ho-ri’s went under production Imma take not so wild guess and say they only made the turrets of most likely Ho-ri 2 and 1(Not sure about one all might be Ho-ri 2 turrets ) simple reasoning being that they were meant to be mounted on CHi-RI chassis but since Chi-ri itself saw no more than 5 build at the time frame I doubt one of the Ho-ris were completely build anyhow it doesn’t change the fact that HO-RI III we are getting is only a paper tank if they had added Ho-ri 2 then the situation would have been ahh no now that I think it would have been no different since people would still complain anyway doesn’t matter its added and Im gonna enjoy using it as I don’t care about HA and my only criteria is it has to be existed and if it didn’t it has to have good reasoning behind it being added and HO-RI has that good reasoning : balance Japanease tanks in BR 5 would have struggled against pershing , superpershing,and jumbo doesn’t matter if we added Chi-To or Chi-ri as long as they didn’t have enough pen they would have struggled and not to mention their paper armor compared to other BR 5 tanks anyhow hope to see Heavy tank number 4
(Heavy tank NO.4s turret used as a stationary gun Manchuria later on Russians blow the gun up)
(H.T.NO.4 in WOT)
And by all means don’t think Im arguing I simply shared my humble opinion anyhow it is what is, cant do anything anymore(Thx Sombralix for these documents)

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Haha i dont accept it. Not playing BR 5 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Technically, the panther has better armour because of the angle.

I’m simply offering a humble suggestion wether is made up or not just for the sake of fun. The Otsu would look nice with the scope on the side and it wouldn’t be giving Japan a over advantage since it’s a 5 bullet gun that’s semi automatic. Now as for the other one I get that I imagine that one and I’m probably making a fool out of myself, I always picture the type 2 SMG with a type 99 MG magazine and I think to myself that would look nice for the sake of aesthetics.

I also suggested for tier 5 both a type 4 garand with grenade launcher and a scope version of said rifle along with other ideas that I posted wether some are real or not. All I did was offer some ideas to improve the faction just so that said faction could have a much bigger variety of weapons.