Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Yeah, but it still isn’t a pure infantry game.

it’s still main on infantry mate really what they should do it make infantry have more thing to kill tank more no one like to got kill by tank sit in gay zone I mean gray zone all game as infantry for sure.

They’re going to literally add feature which allows your bots to use AT rifles/launchers and destroy tanks on their own.
I think that’s more than enough.

well if that think can pen F armor of tiger II and new tank they add is ok but it not really M8 can pen only 100mm well jp type 5 can pen most at 100mm only rus and german have over 200mm pen panzerfäust 100 man it’s not ever good to shot gray zone camper tank and you know is bot they not have brain.

Because it never existed thats why
now peoples can go like “since Ho Ri im-game lets add other nations non existing stuff”

btw Chi Ri and Chi To would be more than enough to deal with US tanks and unlike Ho Ri those two actually existed

Yes those two never saw combat but the Ho Ri only had a wooden mockup


M18/Sherman with 76mm would be enough to deal with german big cats
I had many situations where I could flanak Panther/Tiger 2 (H) but the gray zone prevented me to do it
or some do the same with bazooka for example
So its not the tank/anti tank rockets faultits th gray zone

wdym personal weapon?

Lol those 2 will struggle to pen jumbo and Pershing from the front, let alone the super Pershing in the future.

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what I say it now just like only way to kill big tank is use other tank or plane to do if it camping very far aways really if they at least let engineer build big AT gun like 105mm like that is will be good just lock it to have only AP not have HE it will make it hard to kill infantry a bit + AT gun not have armor so ever ATR can kill them but that AT can kill take ez too like that.

Better idea: dont add the wooden tank, make all the other stuff BR 4 (maybe rework them to balance BR 4)
Each nation has its ups and downs, one of Japan downs was certainly tanks, so make their planes which were one of the best in WW2 as good in the game, i dont think adding the wooden tank to TECH TREE is a good idea, even the gold order weapons actually were made and tested, and making it Premium would be a problem because Japan would still have no BR 5 tank in the tech tree

I know BR 4 and BR 5 are literally no different at the moment. But it seems strange that the Tiger I H is BR 4 when it is so very similar to the Tiger I E at BR 5. I hope it gets moved to BR 5 if the battle ratings are ever separated so I have a reason to use my panther.

with the adding of Tiger H1 and KV1 Zis i expect a more balanced matchmaking as well, who would use a KV1 at their own will at BR 4? when you will fight a even bigger tank with even stronger cannon like Tiger H1?


Kv 1 on same br as tiger. :clown_face::clown_face:
Everything made for axis mainers not to suffer

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I Agree it should be foldered with the tiger E in BR5


Depends on the shell and the distance

On Pacific maps you can actually flank enemy tanks unlike normand or berlin etc
But still better than a non existing tank
Ans as i mentioned before tanks are not the problem rather than the map limitations like gray zone :
M18 could flnak Tiger 2(H) but guess what gray zone

Peoples only has problems with Ho Ri because it never existed
Btw in WT i never had problems with kill M26/Super Pershing/Jumbo with Japanese tank what i mentioned
because the bigger maps to flank them unlike in Enlisted

So, for those who are still upset with the Ho-Ri, here’s what MaiWaffentrager had to say about it. If you don’t know her, she was an advisor to Gaijin for the implementation of the japanese tanks in War Thunder, she gave a ton of infos about the WW2 tanks, and considering the fact that the tanks in Enlisted are models from War Thunder, I think it is appropriate to post this here:

"I’ll let you know I am in full agreement with you, lovely. I’ve mentioned this many times before already, but I am not in support of the Ho-Ri as shown in game. Gaijin asked for material on the tank many years ago, I provided them with everything that was known to the JP community, and presented them two options. One being a historical version of the prototype that began construction, given the details it was written on. And another, a what-if option due to the limited details being known. Gaijin did not like how poorly the tank statistically did, and asked to introduce a copy of one tank but give it better stats for the sake of gameplay.

I don’t play this game in large, I’m not a big video gamer. I was paid to give them what they want, and promote their addition. I did exactly what was always instructed to me. And when I left, I took down everything they asked of me and began aiding in the effort to change the tanks to historical sides. You can see this in a community members forum post on the tank where everything was collected to provide an accurate representation.

This is only one of many tanks that Gaijin have fumbled. I can see the perspective of being upset. I was never allowed to address gameplay to Gaijin, they took what I provided, and ultimately decided to use it however they pleased. They also have Japanese staff, their promoting of material falls on them that didn’t include the full context. I was paid to share, so I did. But I’m glad to answer questions or concerns anyone has to provide clarity!"

Here is her reddit profile, where I found this quote: https://www.reddit.com/user/MaiWaffentrager/

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KV-1 will face panzer IV, jagdpanzer IV and Panthers on BR4. Not just Tiger.

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aaaahhh great news, can’t wait to have the M26 in your hands!

You don’t go into Close Quarters with a TD. This thing I will stand 2km out of your reach, and there will be nothing you can do.
1 Use Vehicles ion intended role properly
2 No need for mobility, because you use it at range
3 There are lost of open space in Pacific aswell, open field, Small Islands etc
And all maps have terrain that has spots to abuse

I don’t understand, panther will still have a better penetration.
You can’t penetrate jumbo with tiger wherever you want. But that’s not the case with panther.

If something, classic Tiger E should be lowered to BR4 as well. Or panther put to BR5.