Weapons and vehicles of the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

So, with the addition of the KV-2, DF pretty much made a coax MG $50?

I don’t own the premium KV-2, but I’m sure that the owners would have loved to known before they bought it that a near-identical model is coming to the tech tree.

Or the Type 4 Rocket Launcher with the 9 cm rocket? It has got 120 mm of armour penetration. That would be better than nothing I guess.

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maybe that’s more safe option

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Yep. I think the M9 Bazooka has a bit more penetration now right? I heard that it got buffed in one of the recent updates.

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Has to be the ugliest weapon so far, why we need that?

Then about this update Class then, game called ENLISTED about enlisted soldiers now feature non-enlisted ‘‘guerillas’’?
That actually so far ain’t Guerillas… shit be confusing to say the least.
same like the game overall…
like osme time ago put British Attacker only used ion British Service in a US Marine Squad…
I want to be nice but really…
Is there anyone out there with sense of logic?
Or like regarding this new ‘‘Guerilla’’ Class, do they even play their own Game? like seriously doubtful.
It’s gonna be so abusive it going to be fantastic creating extremely toxic matches against noobs and watch all shit break loose…
Who came up with this idea?
And even the Class Guerilla? we should have and do have Special Forces like the SAS Commandos that should have this operate in greyzone area.
THen like the german Prem ‘‘Guerilla’’ Squad is Volksturm, what th hell? They are Militia!
The French Resistance and Partisans are ‘‘Guerillas’’
Even the Class name is bad since the Resistance and Partisans were just that, Guerilla is type of warfare and more a modern term of these guys.

Kommandos would have been better suited for this Game, since it’s professional trained Military.
It’s strange to have Game about being Enlisted Soldiers in WW2 by Military Law would execute ‘‘Guerillas’’. It’s a slight bad taste here and also can be political…
Just saying


Well the problem with M9 is not that it doesn’t have enough penetration its simply the plot armor that allows tanks like king tiger or ho-ri to stay at the end of the map and snipe and you can’t call rocket artillery on them you can’t get close so your only option is a plane now maybe will be Guerrilla we shall see how it goes better then nothing I guess

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Ppsh shouldn’t be Germany’s tech tree weapon.

They shouldn’t be running around Tunisia all armed with ppsh.

(Also in fur hats lmao)


Yep. Let’s see.

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Part 2 of the things I’ve noticed and what I’d like to see:

  1. marking of the partisan grayzone-playzone
    right now you don’t even know if you’re in the GZ-PZ, so I propose to mark it on their maps like this. Just to myke it a little bit more clear.

  2. Artillery selector wheel
    this is very nice even though I’m used to clicking “R” 3 times to get to the rocket artillery.

there is a possibility of more thing comming to this response.


That PPsH shoulv’e stayed with Prem Squad for sure

I really do appreciate stuff like this. More than you could ever imagined.

Is there any chance they could retrospectively make models for Soviet M1 bazooka and pfausts unique as well?

I really don’t like copy paste across the different factions.

you know what?

this is not more than another DF troll movement

im tired at this point

i just want to finish GE and stop suffrering

“a bird” wasn´t crazy after all…


Is it not possible to add paratroopers to the tech tree?

What is the armor penetration on direct impact of 152mm HE from KV-2?

These obrez ppsh are one of the most disgusting and unhistorical abominations i’ve ever seen. The german one even has a custom stock. You’ve ruined this update for soviets by only giving them a fake gun when soviet partisans were given many forms of prototype weaponry to experiment with that could have been used instead. We already have some examples of those partisan weapons like the PPD Dolganov (1944) so you clearly know of them and can implement them. Please never release such guns like this again in future updates. Now i gotta see these unhistorical eyesores in br 2-3 forever…

This seems like a horrible idea, this will probably just lead to smurfs wiping out every tank in low BR matches and will be miserable to play against. I think this would be reasonable to put way higher as a meme plane, not a abuse new players plane. Even BR 4 would be reasonable, and would probably be better since BR1 players wouldn’t have to deal with it.


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To add to this, if you shoot the front of a turret with it, it damages the top of the hull and the turret itself due to splash damage. If you shoot directly on the front of a turret you can one shot a Panther or Tiger I with it, but not a Tiger II.

This guy should be at BR II at most.


You can do it easily. It’s possible both in WT and enlisted.
Turret ring of Tiger 2 is just 30mm.

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