Weapons and vehicles of the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

Is it a bug???

I wish to keep my old legacy plane if possible!


What a shame, you could’ve made that an Italian paratrooper squad. Or give that German paratrooper squad a proper German weapon such as the MP 38L. Would’ve been perfect as low BR paratroopers

ahh yes so much new stuff for Japan you are so generous

Overall another German update … the faction with the most things in the TT gets even more xD

Now jokes aside all the good stuff

  1. 2nd Parachute Regiment with Beretta M38 yes BR I Italian paratroopers <3
  2. Guerrillas in USSR there will be a lot of play
    3.Ithaca 37 <3
  3. will also unlock an Australian squad with soldiers of the new Guerrilla class <3

Finally Australian squad will they have Australian voice lines like in Raising Storm 2 ? :smiley:

The bad stuff no real Japanese content and no BR IV or V US or UK fighter planes no UK recon squad … :frowning:


Agreed. Best possible ammo for the job its meant to do

Lets hope the high magnification gun sight is modelled



pretty fun to snipe tanks with


Is that its max magnification?..pitty…it zooms in alot further in warthunder…i loved sniping tanks there

Ah well

My feedback is more magnification :smile:


@Euthymia07 about the new/old A20. Can you confirm if it’s a bug that the new one replace the old one, OR is it intended this way?


We are also supposed to get the Assault Engineers for the US and Japan. And we didn’t get a TT AR for them in this major update. It looks like the wait for these two beauties got agonisingly long.


Well to be honest we need more BR IV or BR V paratroopers then Assault Engineers since you can have Engineer squad with 30 round automatic weapons so i prefer to have BR IV or V paratrooper for Japan


Anything just anything for Japan rather than this copy paste Browning. Lol. :joy:


ahahhaha well that’s what we get but don’t forget Germany Suffers and once again they got the most equipment :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


They were in the mood to ‘Maraude’ our hopes for the Super Pershing and the 100 round MG-42. If you know what I mean. :sweat_smile:


I’m not sure about another doom turtle and the MG-42 100 rounds is a meme now xD

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Yes. It has become the meme of the century in right earnest. I think the Super Pershing has frozen to death by staying in the refrigerator for like 300 days at this point.


When will the Veteran Box release?
on the roadmap it says soon


Well Super Pershing is something that I’m not sure do I wanna see… I wanna see first some tank to tank balance and nerf to Speed of Doom Turtles like the King Tiger that goes almost as fast as Panther its ridicules …

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To be honest with you the US will also need a good AT launcher to boot alongside the Super Pershing. The Super Bazooka itself might be problematic to add since it was first used in the Korean War. But I am sure there are some workable prototypes. Same goes for Japan. They have horrendous AT at BR V.

Well all we need is fix to Plot armor so we can go close to the immortal tanks and be able to take them out but they can start by giving Tiger II its real speed of 34 - 35 km/h not 41 faster then IS - 2 then they can give Japan Type 4 20 cm rocket launcher the easiest way to kill a tank is with artillery or air and better buildable anti tank guns

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Japan can get the Type 97 AT Rifle with the Ji Te Dan shaped charge. Allegedly it has like 250 mm of penetration. That would be epic! :joy:

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Well I have seen some sources about it but the 250 mm of penetration sadly its not confirmed so i think the best option is the rocket artillery

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