Weapon stats should be consistent across all campaigns

This sounds like game design 101, but for some reason we don’t have this.
I hope that Stalingrad is a test bench and eventually the same weapon will behave identically across all campaigns

But the current situation is really weird: you get used to MP-40 behaving one way in all 4 base campaigns, and in Stalingrad it behaves differently.
Your muscle memory is trained to switch to the next enemy because you’ve learned how much firing time it takes to kill the first one, but in Stalingrad that same enemy still lives just because MP-40 magically has lower fire rate (400-440 vs 450-500 in base campaigns) as well as more vertical and horizontal recoil (21/8 vs 30/10).
I wouldn’t even be surprised if there is also a hidden bullet deviation/dispersion index which is also different, because MP-40 in Salingrad just feels wrong.

Similarly, other weapons like PPS-42, MG-34, MP-28, etc in Stalingrad - why different recoil values?
All this does is mess up muscle memory and the gunplay we’ve learned in base game.

MKb-42. First of all, it shouldn’t be in Stalingrad and Moscow, since there is zero proof.
But why does even regular MKb in Stalingrad have 450-500 fire rate, and the sniper variant is 590-650?
Isn’t it exactly the same weapon?
And in Moscow the same sniper MKb-42 has 29/7 recoil vs Stalingrad sniper’s 45/11???
What is this sorcery?

I also can’t help but wonder, how does this all work in custom games?
When sniper MKb-42 on a Moscow campaign soldier spawns on a Stalingrad map, it has lower recoil because it’s from Moscow or higher recoil because it exists in Stalingrad?
If the armies are mixed, does Moscow MP-40 always beat Stalingrad MP-40 in a 1v1? Just because?
How do bolt action OHKs and MG stamina work in custom games?

This is all so unnecessarily confusing.

If the Stalingrad idea was to limit automatic weapons, you should not have introduced 3 MKb squads in infinit rotation. Don’t make automatic weapons worse, make them less available instead.
E.g. MP-717 only for medics and MKb only for Radio ops.

TLDR the same weapon will behave identically across all campaigns.

@1942786 Keo pls


I think they are just testing, since they are still working on how to balance weapons in terms of dispersion/damage/recoil. Dispersion is the worst thing after all

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Could we stop using such an excuse since Jumbo and M2 carbine being in Normandy since the first day of CBT?


You can read devblog? Dev from the start sayed stalingrad is a test campaign for a future game rework


I dislike them too but a) I don’t play enough Normandy to have a well-developed opinion on this and b) from the games I’ve played, I haven’t really seen Jumbo or M2 be the absolute best weapon top unlock in the campaign, which people would run 3 squads of on repeat.
Similarly, I would be much less annoyed by the MKb inclusion if it wasn’t the king of the campaign/limited to gold order.

If they implement most of the bs from Stalingrad, this game will practically die


Sounds a serious skill issue, I cannot imgaine how bad you must be to cry about MKB42H in Moscow since it’s restricted to snipers, the worst squad in the game.


The only good thing is MKB42H with 0.15! dispersion, only 21% of that of Mp43.

the opposite the game become better, practicaly become an anti-noob game


Yes, they should implement BA rifles change to all campaigns. The Semiauto nerfed should also be reverted since it makes 0 sense. ZH29 with 480 RoF perform quite well there.

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There’s also zero proof that it WASN’T there. There you go, I used the same bad argument as anti mkb purists against them, how lazy is that, eh? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Sounds like a serious braindead issue on your part if you see “crying about MKB in Moscow” in that sentence.

Lack of evidence = proof of absence.
There’s also zero proof Stalin never had a BMW X5, doesn’t mean there’s a valid debate there.

The facts are:

  1. MKB entered mass production in winter of 1942-43;
  2. The German 6th army was surrounded in autumn 1942;
  3. There is zero evidence of German command being so dumb as to airdrop cutting-edge technology to surrounded and about-to-surrender troops instead of food and ammo;
  4. There is zero evidence of any captured MKBs by the Red Army until summer of 1943.

But the thread is not even about that.

Nah, BA already deal up to 17+ damage. Giving them guaranteed one-shot is simply unfair to other weapons, then make all 7.92 bullets deal the same damage instead of some one-sided fantasy. Bolt-Rifles are starter weapons in a game with levels, perks - practically an MMORPG. So ye, starter weapons should be adequate, but not viable against top lvls. And if they implement mg or smg nerf, then this game will turn into complete garbage.

If they want to restrict them to a single class then fuck it, whatever.

But radio ops. Hell no. I’ll start a forum riot.


Your comment was fine until you found ‘cries’ and until you missed the key conditional clause

Im not sure if things work that way… there isnt any proof that soviets didnt use ak 47 or laser sabers in stalingrad.

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Instead for german is proved using AT-ST on eastern front


I mean, Stalingrad in general is just wrong.
That campaign never should’ve happened.

Except this isn’t an MMORPG, it’s an fps.
And there, if you have levels/a tech tree, you either have to make all weapons usable or implement some sort of matchmaking.
Imo bolts should have much higher base damage. And semis should have no artificial rof limit.

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