Weapon sounds upgrade

so G41 vs ZH will be a question of “reload speed and panic mag dumping vs accuracy”

guess the ZH will still beat the G41 in close and mid range - which is still the most common engagement distance … Will be interesting to see if it can “compete” now.

Always could.

Like I said up, it’s mostly a question of preference. I prefer g41, it’s more accurate, better is, and my subconscious makes me take shots more carefully just because I know it’s long to reload.

The ZH… I just cannot aim well with this. Probably the iron sight. I don’t like it.

And mag dumping, it really just works at point blank (under 5m), or shots go all over the place.

The G43 however… Or premium Gerat… ah, with those it’s a different story.

But, then again, preferences.


the guy who designed the iron sight of ZH-29 never shot gun in his life.
Worst iron sight of all SA.

I have done “alot” of work with the zh-29. But it does tend to throw shots frequently (id say 1 in 4 shots goes no where near where you aim), leaving you scratching your head. Better at close combat because its great for mag dumping on a squad, and super quick reload so you are always in the fight.

Overall i really enjoy the zh-29 and the the iron sights. It is Truly a killing machine, but so is g41 and g43 (but I was very suprised to see it be the last semi auto unlock…i dont think its that superior). G43 should probably be last even if they have to modify its handling slightly. I havent use dthe g43 much, but when i did I liked it.

The g-41 however just sounds awesome, feels awesome and is quite deadly with trigger discipline. I have used the g41 the most in recent times. Only short coming is long reload when in close combat but you can manage this.


Id say its a Vets weapons wouldnt you @50553140 ? As in its usually the Vets that appreciate it while new players dont often.



I believe I treat G41 and Garand subconsciously as a rapid Bolt-action. More careful with it. And it works really great.

If I spam left click, my bullets usually won’t land where I want them to.
However. ZH (same with SVT) is very effective in close range. I quick-tap it. I hip-firing it. And it works awesome this way, surprisingly. Unlike any other semi-auto.

I know it’s all down to preferences. But I do like the iron sight of ZH.


I am glad the devs care about how the guns sound. I am not glad how they neglect what it’s like to shoot these guns. If guns have recoil in the game, why would you add dispersion if they already have recoil?

If you have already nerfed the damage for semi-auto rifles and have upped the recoil for them, why would you limit how fast you can shoot them if it is already hard to shoot fast in the first place? You have made the M1 carbine one of the most unlikable rifles in the game.

Let’s have the devs have a range day where they can shoot (if possible to acquire) to understand what it is like to shoot these guns. Not only would the developers benefit from understanding what it is like to shoot the guns, but they could also get publicity for enlisted if you ask some guntubers to make some videos with them. I am sure Ian McCollum wouldn’t mind helping the devs out.


Thank you for listening on the Gewehr 41 reload. Can you guys do something similar to all the Enfield rifles now too? They all have the same reload bug. You fire 5 or 6 rounds and your character will insert 10 rounds on 2 stripper clips into a 10 round magazine. The other 4 rounds just disappear.

Please give the MGs in allied planes a better, nicer and more realistic sound.
Much appreciated.


I like using the g43 but it’s got one of the worst firing sounds in the game. It sounds like somebody banging on a metal door with a mallet. It’s something I’d expect to hear from a PC shooter from the '90s. I hope it’s high on the list for sound upgrades


On my headphones the G43 sounds like there are jingle bells mounted on the breech and they jingle aggresively every time the breech cycles back and forth xD

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I hope that the new reload system will apply to the G98 War mod too

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I think that the reloading of MG’s with ammo belts is a bit too fast to be realistic since MG34 ammo belt is non-disintegrating and it would require pulling a larger length of belt away from the gun, and on animation the soldier just takes off a short fragment of the belt. However, the box magazine firearms can be reloaded as quick in reality as in Enlisted, and when reloading bolt action rifles the soldier carefully loads single bullets when he could load them in pairs or on threes which is quite possible to do in reality and it would be definitely the faster option to reload before spending a full clip.

I’m sure there are videos on YouTube; but How many people can remove a box magazine, place it in a pouch, remove a new magazine from it’s pouch, insert it into the gun properly and charge the weapon in 2 seconds flat? Often times while running or while under fire?

Nobody’s arguing it’s impossible, but wildly improbable perhaps. It would certainly give more room for variation in weapons and force more tactical thinking if it wasn’t always done with Olympic speed and precision. I argue for longer reloads primarily for gameplay reasons, but realistically it seems like a stretch as well.