We need some type of squad up mechanic like in Battlefield 4 in the match

Before going to steam we need teamwork and some form of communication or feeling like you’re part of a squad.


Said it a million times, but you will never get teamwork outside of a group of friends.
Because, of all the events/daily’s/BP tasks, people go for those, before they would ever think about team work.

And yes def need some coms


He actually has a point:

  • Enlisted needs a lobby for squads… with voice/text communication.

If we’re going to steam the steam community is not as strange as the enlisted one is

wow i actually run out of hearts that a first in a long time.
They will fall for the challenges just as everyone, temptation to great,
hell they even have challenges highlighted, while you waiting to join, there just in your face lol

And agree about steam community, no there not, or as forgiving either.

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We cannot afford to end up like Icarus or we might just follow his same unfortunate end

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YES, I agree. It will help to encourage players to group up.
If players still refuse to group up, that’s on them.

Heck, I play on xbox, and currently a simple GG sent to another player generally gets a response to group up. I’d like to see that put into the game and perhaps even incentivized.

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I would also like to suggest something else that I did a while back with this too:

Give incentive bonusses to players that are grouped up!

  • 2 players = each player gets +5% bonus xp and silver

  • 3 players = each player gets + 10% bonus xp and silver

  • 4 players = each player gets + 15% bonus xp and silver

This way it encourages players to play as groups and incentivize teamwork, rather than just playing solo.

Even if you are grouping up with randoms, playing multiple matches with them will help you to understand their playstyle for each following game, so that you can work together better, rather than getting entirely new teammates each game.


That’s just like phantasy star 2 online they give incentives for people to work together

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