Either buff bots or give me teammates

I’ve been getting stomped in maps I’m not supposed to be playing on. Please either give the bots the ability to actually play or fix matchmaking so my tier 2 self won’t keep fighting in Stalingrad with no teammates


I been getting stomped on maps idk either, due to merging 5x German campaign into one army,
many stuffed over by the maps being locked, and have to play a certain BR, just to get maps you know, or play lotto and hope you get the map, you know or would like to play
or simply, they never played that campaign at all.

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You might wanna try getting this through to DF because at least with this you have a chance of getting a teammate without relying on discord.

We need some type of squad up mechanic like in Battlefield 4 in the match - Suggestions - Enlisted


Not even that I don’t know them, BR 2 plays on Moscow and Tunisia, I’m getting Stalingrad and Berlin and Normandy

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Well i had never played Stalingrad/Berlin/Moscow, before merge, so all new to me.

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This is not true. The ingame icon that supposedly shows what map you could play on is flawed. As I suppose you are playing germany, here is the correct distribution :


The only map you are not supposed to see is Berlin, yet there were bugs that allowed BR 2 player to end up in BR 5 matches from time to time. This one is supposed to be solved as well but…

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Buffs to bots is a path that needs to be tread carefully.

Omniscient AI is already an issue in many cases (and other times they are both blind and deaf). There is rarely and inbetween.

I responded to a very similar post the other day. I just added the quote so I didn’t need to retype it all.