We need more capacity for AVT or AVS

nah… both pps have advantage. mp40 is better within 15m against vitality, but pps is better against enemy without vitality(which is majority of players/bots on BR2) and it is better at engagements over 15m. if you add body armor pps have overwhelming advantage over mp40 cause even that slight advantage within 15m is lost.


Look, the reason Germany gets more player has to do with other factors than strength. For instance, Germans get more maps and get more weapons in their TT.
This could also explain why SU gets les players. Maybe Germans get prefered for other reasons. The fact Germans get a bigger player base does not mean Soviet weapons are weaker.


everything is much more complicated, tankie wants an avt magazine with 25 rounds and this is the minimum, and even 30, like autohei,
And they urge not to play for the Soviets until the USSR is improved. as in the US at the time.
It’s like we live in different worlds and play two different games. They transfer their political desires to the forum


translated (3)
Hierarchy by Fnfal

They are convinced that the developers are right and therefore love only the Axis, and everyone else is given little content, ESPECIALLY for the USSR. Where people don’t play badly themselves, but are hampered by weak weapons. This is all from the RU segment of the forum. The cult of Tkachenko. There are a lot of factions inside the forum , almost like a Stalker

:dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :handshake: EU forum :parrot:


i dont play soviet BR5 not cause weapons are crap, but cause i dont like most berlin maps.

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can play for any side. There are no restrictions. All factions are available for both teams. What did you mean by that? Nobody plays for the USSR, nobody wants to use this “advantage”, although nobody forbids them.

This is far-fetched. Moreover, you said that it is easier to hit the head with anything, not with AVT40. Or how should I understand your words?

that is, the cuirass does not give an advantage, and the AVT 40 is a bad weapon. Thank you. Finally, you admitted it.

exclusive 5 rounds in the magazine?
And I will remind you that the whole discussion is about the damn 5 rounds.
and even after this, the AVT 40 and ABC 36 will still remain the worst automatic rifles.
rof 600 vs rof 750 Damage per second also matters.

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That’s exactly what it means. Players play where it’s easier. Why complicated explanations when there’s a simple one?

why do marginals from our forum run away to the English forum? It would be great if he didn’t come back.

Oh, Morty, Morty, that sounds like the best praise coming from you.

> Marginals are people who live in a society without accepting its norms, values, principles, and the worldview of the social group to which they belong is alien to them. This is a kind of outcast, a “white crow” in society, marginals are on the edge of the social system, not accepting the laws and regulations adopted in it

But there are nuances, these are those with whom the bulk of society and even the majority disagree. In this society, you are such. There are more neophytes in RU that you can make part of your handheld army. And here they are fighting against such a manifestation of chaos.

You are only sowing discord by pushing forward only one nation. You do all sorts of underhand intrigue and conduct PSYchological OPerations aimed at what is beneficial to you. And label all those who disagree.

Go think about what you’re doing wrong. You have to be kinder, at least sometimes


like i sad game is not any vs any. countering soviets would be easy by just selecting e.g. japan and using type hei AR.

idk what is far fetched. people will choose weapons with which they can give HS easier with and will have other advantages(like higher ammo capacity).

you are delusional. i dont have problem admitting that t20 or fg42 are better rifles when both sides dont have body armor. with body armor AVT40 becomes a lot better cause it gets higher killing potential than both of those rifles on bigger ranges.

like i said before i dont have problem with devs adding 5 more rounds to AVT40 if they remove body armor. while body armor is in play, soviets dont deserve any infantry buff.

why does it matter when they can one hit down within 60-80m? if they needed multiple hits your argument would be valid. but with body armor+vitality AVT40 needs 1 hit to down, while fg42 needs 2 hits.

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Just a normal day in forum


What can I say? It’s time for you to go.

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but it’s even worse. that’s why top players ignore it.

buddy, the Berdan rifle is your choice. It should have BR6. That’s a lot of damage.
Okay. Okay, this story ended with you getting stingy because of 5 bullets.
with you or without you.

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i wonder why it is not so popular on english forum…



for your forum on the contrary. It’s a lot. So wait. We have already begged for automatic shooting for the ABC and AVt. Even earlier than for the FG42. Our cause is just.

cause no soviet bias…



… the explanation is not complicated

People prefer content
—> Germans have a lot of content.
—> Sovjet does not have a lot of content

People prefer Germany

Remember also, that players tent to migrate to different factions. At the moment people prefer Germany. I remember a time when German mains were nagging about ‘Soviet bais’ because Soviet was winning al the time.

Which gets me to the main problem. I do think Soviets are lacking behind in content. They need more stuf in the TT. They should (together with Japan) get way more stuf. They should get the attention in the updates but sadly, everything goes to USA who already have so much stuf (not saying they did not deserve the AR and tank but cmon, no TT weapon for Soviet? Wtf …). So, they need some more diversity in weapons which would make them more fun to play, not more bullits in existing guns.


it is not even problem of content. i play all factions on most BR, but i avoid soviet BR5 just cause i dont like berlin. also while i can play stalingrad, it is not exactly my favorite.

not really. while they dont have a lot of content, their content has quality(unlike german that is filled with a lot of useless filler). if you want lot of filler weapons that perform worse than current TT alternatives, then i dont mind as long as they are foldered. if you want weapons that are better than current TT ones, then i have a problem with them cause soviets currently have best or second best TT equipment across all BR excluding SF rifles, low BR MG and BR5 tanks. not to mention body armor that gives extra edge even where it is not needed.

Yee… No comments about that statement

In a near future You Will see why i always said that Germany and Japan was handycaped

And for giving You an idea URRS and US have actually many options…that Germany not.

Like lets move to mg’s soviets have the rd44 maxin and lad 3 options while Germans… Just the new belt fed mg42 then lets move to planes while Germany is forced to play
bf-109 k-4 and the JU-188, while US have 2 acog planes (one with rockets and the other with bombs) then we have the p-47 and AP C4

I could continue but at this point You can cleary see what im reffering to

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With content I also mean stuf like maps. My point is, why play the factions with less stuf and maps? If you have to grind why do Soviet?

Japs + Germans and you can do all.

To be clear, I fully agree that Soviet should not get buffs. But just more alternatives to spice it up a bit

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