We need more capacity for AVT or AVS

If you personally like it, play it. But your wishes do not affect reality.


A little.

I don’t understand you. I’m not a native English speaker.


generally or on BR5? You are asking too abstract questions.


something unclear again. Do you need my statistics?

enjoy. Why am I a mainer there?

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That’s why top players don’t use it. It makes sense.

this is such stupid argument. game is not any vs any and there are numerous reasons on why not to use soviets in such match and have mentioned some of them above.

also whole game is not based on balance between AVT40 vs fg42. tell me do soviets have advantage on BR2 with pps42/43 vs mp40? what about soviets with body armor on same BR?


Where are those top players anyways?

Imaginary “top players” are weaklings and trying to find excuses for their bad gameplay skills they just want to get carried by dedicated German players that’s why they are picking Germany. In their mind they see KT murdering 100 people in a single HE shell, that fake German bias that doesn’t exist in game but only in their imagination since in real game 1-3 panzerfaust rockets and that KT is a history.

Mate, first, stop being so overly derisive,

Second, its a bit of a stretch to say Sovjet are struggeling. Especially when we are talking about weapons like cmon. I agree that the silly Germans mains should stop nagging about ‘Soviet bias’ because thats a bunch of bullshit. But now your just doing the same, its like a reverse-‘soviet bais’.

You know why Soviet does not win? because they lack players. Not because of the weapons, thats just such nonsence.

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and what are the reasons? You are going to list them, aren’t you?

In general, parity is most likely.

and they lack players, why? Because the weapons are crap?

I apologize. I had no malicious intent.
but when I read something like this, it’s hard for me not to die laughing and be serious.

Amazing example of “top tier” players that has been proven on multiple occasion to cheating but DF don’t care. Take cheats away from U45N and from certain dude with a nickname starting on A in the other clan that i called few days ago and they would be below console kids.

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Stills too weak :parrot::parrot:

Give it more bayonets

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It’s funny to see that the URRS have adventages in almost everything aspect (when we are reffering to infantery)

But they cry for their SF… Even more than all the cries americans made asking for a decent br 5 smg and Germany with the damm belt fed mg too… And probably Even more than all the playerbase of Japan asking for… Little of more of attention to their stuff…

Federov avtomat is a SF in the smg slot just change the magazine to 20 bullets if aviable and move it to the rifle categorization :person_shrugging:

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nah… both pps have advantage. mp40 is better within 15m against vitality, but pps is better against enemy without vitality(which is majority of players/bots on BR2) and it is better at engagements over 15m. if you add body armor pps have overwhelming advantage over mp40 cause even that slight advantage within 15m is lost.


Look, the reason Germany gets more player has to do with other factors than strength. For instance, Germans get more maps and get more weapons in their TT.
This could also explain why SU gets les players. Maybe Germans get prefered for other reasons. The fact Germans get a bigger player base does not mean Soviet weapons are weaker.


everything is much more complicated, tankie wants an avt magazine with 25 rounds and this is the minimum, and even 30, like autohei,
And they urge not to play for the Soviets until the USSR is improved. as in the US at the time.
It’s like we live in different worlds and play two different games. They transfer their political desires to the forum


translated (3)
Hierarchy by Fnfal

They are convinced that the developers are right and therefore love only the Axis, and everyone else is given little content, ESPECIALLY for the USSR. Where people don’t play badly themselves, but are hampered by weak weapons. This is all from the RU segment of the forum. The cult of Tkachenko. There are a lot of factions inside the forum , almost like a Stalker

:dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :handshake: EU forum :parrot:


i dont play soviet BR5 not cause weapons are crap, but cause i dont like most berlin maps.

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can play for any side. There are no restrictions. All factions are available for both teams. What did you mean by that? Nobody plays for the USSR, nobody wants to use this “advantage”, although nobody forbids them.

This is far-fetched. Moreover, you said that it is easier to hit the head with anything, not with AVT40. Or how should I understand your words?

that is, the cuirass does not give an advantage, and the AVT 40 is a bad weapon. Thank you. Finally, you admitted it.

exclusive 5 rounds in the magazine?
And I will remind you that the whole discussion is about the damn 5 rounds.
and even after this, the AVT 40 and ABC 36 will still remain the worst automatic rifles.
rof 600 vs rof 750 Damage per second also matters.

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That’s exactly what it means. Players play where it’s easier. Why complicated explanations when there’s a simple one?