We need more capacity for AVT or AVS

Like the large magazine BA’s that have been event weapons from time to time perhaps?

But axis need this…

Well, the Soviets can be given a 20 magazine, but first a grenade launcher, a bayonet, a drum magazine, a 2/4-fold sight. I don’t agree to anything less


wheres the 250 round belt?


GetOut0fMyWay, It’s chaotic from the Russian forum, they’ve already reviewed it and shown who it is. Subtitles in general will be able to transmit. He makes loud statements on the Russian forum, but he can’t play. Accuses everyone of low skill, but at the same time, well, I think you’ve already understood :). Just remember, not all squidwards are like that, and even more so not all Russian players are like that. He is an exception, a follower of Nurgle
And believe me, we are very diligently fighting this evil, but it sometimes penetrates to your forum.


450 Is it not enough for you, sir?


Everything is fine, mate. I would never draw conclusions about an entire nation because of one player. :slight_smile:

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Very Nice

It’s just complaining for the sake of complaining.
If you ignore it, it will go away

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No it is. I watched 10 replays especially for you. In a battle, on average, 1 person uses several cuirasses, 1-3 on one or two squads. I saw a player 2 times where everyone had cuirasses. On average, cuirasses are found in 1.6 players on the USSR team. The reason for fear?

On what basis do you claim that 100% of players use cuirasses? Or are you not claiming this when you say “for a one shot kill gun - which FG42 isnt”?
What do you mean by that a couple of players can beat you?

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You cant comprehend the idea of an unfair advantage, I get it, don’t need to tell me how you are trying to defend yours.


Well, you know, an advantage is something that gives an advantage. Don’t you agree? Why doesn’t anyone use it in that case?

Maybe because its a secret mechanic?

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Counter question - do you use it? Because I do when I play Soviets, because I am not stupid.

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these players didn’t know either?

where is at least one player for the USSR?

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oh no, I’ve been exposed. But anyway. Here is a person who plays much better than me, says the same thing as me. And this opinion prevails on the RU forum. USSR is a weak faction. Removing cuirasses will only make it weaker.

That is like claiming that Maus would be balanced because only 1 or 2 players would use it at a time.
Nope Soviet body armour is a flat 10% damage reduction that is cumulative with vitality which is an insane advantage over the rest of the factions.

Yes. But I repeat. I would prefer it not to be in the game. But the current balance forces me to insist on keeping the cuirasses, for now.
You can do as much as you want, even around and around. rof 600 vs. rof 750, 15 rounds vs. 20 rounds.
10% damage reduction is nothing compared to this.


Now you admit the advantage but attempt to justify it.


Indeed, it’s all about me and only me. That’s probably why I don’t play for the USSR on BR5. And many don’t play for the USSR at all.

It’s your own choice to play any faction you like, people played US before Pershing, T20, Bazooka buff ect and were doing great so we clearly know that players don’t need power creep equipment to play a faction.


Yes, yes. Especially before the merger.