We need more capacity for AVT or AVS

The talk was about germany against russia and not japan against russia. Or can you currently play with russian in standard battles against japan?! I don’t think so, cupcake

Maxim has more then 600 - it’s 660 and that makes the weapon contralable. And RD-44 combines decent damage, with 100 rounds and good RoF.

Well , remember the FG-42 before the buff. Dispersion and recoil were even worse then AVS and AVT.

And like I said: russians don’t need every weapon (class) to be on same level like germans and / or better - deal with that fact but obviously you can’t. That’s why you’re “crying” here even if you don’t want to admit it in your consumed perception. :wink:

RPM 600 to FG42-2 (same like AVT40) Would be only “fair”?

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and this is a blatant lie that can be easily refuted. Should I do it? The USSR is the worst nation to play with. deal with that fact but obviously you can’t.

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makes it even more controlable. and you even cry now that it’s to accurate :smiley: :smiley:

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ah, that why I have 91% winrate on russians after more then 500 battles on that nation - because it’s the worst nation. :joy:


yeah. But for now I see a different picture. How unpleasant is it for you that people ask for 20 rounds for the AVT40 ABC36. Yes yes, tell me that I am “crying”.

“buhuu, russians are not on all weapon categories on same level or better then german - this is so unfair” but it’s ok that russians are on certain weapon categories better then germans. :joy:
yes, that crying.


I have the same thing. But what does that change? Nothing. Most players don’t know how to play, so it’s very easy to keep your win rate around 90%. I don’t see any reason to be particularly proud, you’re just an average player.
USSR is still the worst nation to play. That’s a fact.

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I agree. Asking for rof 900 for FG-42 that crying.

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according to your gameplay I am far better. :smiley: :smiley: so nice try.
how about also cry that PPSh-41 with box magazine has literally 0 recoil and dispersion and is far better then any german MP on that BR - do you? No, why not? Ah, my mistake, I forgot, because it’s russians so it’s fine for you. nice double standards. :smiley: :smiley:

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I didn’t ask for a RoF of 900. Better you start reading. :wink:

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I don’t think so.

I say them - pretty easy to do so but thats not the point. :slight_smile:

You said it yourself “ANY”.
Well, look.

I didn’t talk about it… Better you start reading. :wink:

PPSh-41 is unlimited available because of the TechTree while most of the players won’t have the MP-41(r) because it’s an event weapon. not your best comparison. :wink:

sure you started before with the ROF of the FG which was never a theme from my side so ofc you does. :slight_smile:

I misunderstand the word “ANY”? Maybe in English the word “ANY” means not any. But in Russian it means everyone, without exception. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding.

because that was my suggestion that i added above. Better you start reading.

back to the topic of our conversation. AVT is still the worst automatic rifle. Even if it has 5 extra rounds.

how about damage reduction for T20 from 15.3 to 14.4 (same like FG)?
Oh, it already has a 20-round magazine and everything is good.