We invite you to join the Alpha test team

What’s more important, if you or anyone else find something that break/exploit the game - take your time and post in the CBR (and not here).

Alpha testers are just regular players (perhaps more dedicated than the average Joe) and works like the middleman between players and devs.

Their work is intended to make the game better for everyone, so please help them doing their job.

I’m not saying anything I’m just saying if the new alpha testers want to give important information they need to think of ways to break the game or how certain weapons will affect the game and how to balance them out and when they do all that stuff they’ll start to see bugs and glitches and that’s how you can give the best information if you do half of that stuff.

The annual revenue of Gaijin Entertainment was 26 Million $ in 2023. So ok millions a week was a little bit over the top. So dont take those numbers serious. I think the people get my point on that what i wanted to say there.

Thats why other team is existing (helpers) and they collect your feedback and opinions from any discussion here and on some other places too.
F.E QoL on this week should be one of the coolest you seen, it’s fully based on players feedback с:


Is funny, how about some show of faith and start fixing some core issues first?

I can’t believe the previous Alpha Tester didn’t suggest the Devs ro fix the Mounting system for guns, climbing in this game and can’t build stuff on visually flat ground

So the new ones gonna be better? Or just more placebo?


How can you be so sure that we didnt mention it to them? Telling them doesnt just fix the issues, the devs need to work on it on their end once the report is given to them. Which can take a variable amount of time

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considering amount of real players i meet at servers im afraid that your only way is hire all of them mandatory

Please avoid derail the Topic into Off-topic. Its about joining the Alpha Tester Team, Not about Daily Players. Future Off-topic comments will be deleted

[quote=“WhootiesNBlow, post:45, topic:125518, full:true”]
Lmao “lucky”, I’d bet money there’s more console players than pc. That’s how it usually goes, PC game begins to die then a console release comes to save it :skull_and_crossbones:
[/quote]the force is with you, you have great foresight. Im betting your correct about the number of pc players being less than console currently, if not it definitely will be in the near future. Are you paying attention devs?

er… not quite.

beside, both versions are exactly the same.
( or so devs claims. i can’t verify that )

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So did I know I was chosen?

you’ll receive an email if you were chosen or not.

but, you’ll have to wait a bit longer, as it usually takes some time.

last time, the alpha tester team program took a couple of month to initiate and what not.

( could be faster this time, or roughly the same amount of time )

Hi, thanks for the info.

When you say “both versions are the same”, i’m not clear on that. Versions of what?

both the console and pc run on the same versions.

the same build.

otherwise crossplatform wouldn’t be possible, and you wouldn’t face pc players.

the only things that are different, are the graphic ( in some cases ) and the way recoil works.
but that’s… not an " outsider " thing. or console related.

the rest is pretty much the same.

( i should say, different controls )

actually, one difference that there is, is that the console players can decide to turn off crossplatform / cross play. on the other hand, Pc users cannot decide to face only other players with pc.
sort of a filter

but yeah, that’s about it for differences.

Thanks for clarification. Makes sense.

However, if that is the case, there must be some core differences because PC platform bugs often get repaired when console platform bugs do not, so again the question for the devs, its obvious console platforms dont get the attention that PC platform do, why not just make console platforms able to report bugs from console directly AND make it possible for console platforms to be an important part of alpha testing, like actually test with consoles?

the differences always relays in how much gets reported. ( and also when devs are actually gonna fix it. time periods can always vary for one reason or another )

honestly, i have no clue how things works on console regarding the bug platform.

best you guys can do ( as far i’m aware, and if anyone else knows more accurately, feel free to correct me )

it’s to save the replay, and use the link as a " proof" of the issue.
while filling with more details as possible each section of the bug report.

which i suspect not many players do. ( but i could be wrong )

beside, it takes somewhat more time.

but in the base line, problems are from both consoles/pc. not just one.

dunno. i’m just a regular player like you. ( on pc though )

would be best if you make a suggestion about it.

maybe devs will catch that.

although, not sure if that’s possible and what not.

not sure that the console stores clogs and what not.

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I, and MANY others have suggested it often.

This is my point, if a console isn’t being used to test then it won’t and cant be an accurate account of what occurs, my suggestion again is that console platforms need to be part of alpha testing directly, along with being able to report bugs directly from console, i am not the only one who feels this way, the majority of serious console players do also. I enjoy the game but prefer to play console as do many others, and console user base WILL outnumber PC users in the future, hence they will be the future majority of profits for the game, something you should think about seriously devs. I stated this in the forum almost two years ago, not exact words ofcourse, but same point about consoles becoming more prevalent in future.