Was manchuria ever officially confirmed to be coming?

They haven’t confirmed anything about Manchuria except a lazy event. Anything else is just wishful thinking and a lot of cope.

Rezevh is unified with Stalingrad for simplicity, that’s why is both battlefield and campaign just see it as Stalingrad extension, as new Georgia is for the Pacific

The new format of frontline still isn’t showed up, but anyway shouldn’t be different by a new set of themed map as usual, I don’t expect grand things for this

have you ever worked with marketing? do you think that “campaigns in a new form” is good term to use? they just renamed it for convenience sake.

also like gastano mentioned you can see battlefields as extension to old campaigns. problem is that old campaigns naming sucks so we will probably see it renamed to appropriate frontlines in near future.

just want to give you example:
invasion of normandy - battlefield hurtgen forrest.
this should be
western (late war) frontline - battlefield hurtgen forest

battle of stalingrad - battlefield rzhev
eastern (mid war) frontline - battlefield rzhev

it doesnt make sense for battlefield that has nothing to do with campaign to be added in that campaign, so renaming is in due order.

It would definitely be better to stick with the term “campaign”. Rather than come up with a new term that would just replace an established one. And yet it would not really change anything at all.

campaign as a term doesnt work anymore. what do battle of stalingrad and rzhev have in common?

campaigns worked when you had e.g. stalingrad and tractor factory. but what does rzhev have to do with stalingrad or battle of hurtgen forest have to do with invasion of normandy. they needed a new name for structure that will tie maps to factions and BR. that is why you have rzhev in battle of stalingrad currently as stopgap solution.

Term frontline doesn’t work for them either. So I really don’t understand your point.

Stalingrad/Rzhev campaign is exactly the same nonsense as Stalingrad/Rzhev frontline lol. It’s illogical in both cases.

Frontline isn’t logical either if happens to be just a new big themed map back like rezhev, it should have something more like a new faction or a new game mode who unify different map for be unique

it is not if it is named eastern mid war frontline. ffs whole soviet germany war is called eastern front
Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia so it is not like it is some nonsense.

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xDDD this is not speculation anymore, this is fabulation.

Please, I want to see what evidence you have that DF will change Stalingrad/Rzhev preset to eastern front xD

It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Otherwise they would have to merge Berlin, Moscow and Stalingrad/rzhev into eastern front.

You are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

yes certainly battle of rzhev absolutely makes sense to be included into battle of stalingrad. it would make more sense to include it into battle of moscow than in battle of stalingrad geographically and historically.

also they could merge then in
eastern front early war(low BR)- moscow
eastern front mid war (all BR)- stalingrad, rzhev
eastern front late war (high BR)- berlin

You’ve literally gone off the rails again. You’re always pulling some unsubstantiated bullshit. Just to justify that campaign equal frontline. When nothing of the sort has ever been said from official sources.

And instead of admitting that it’s simply your guess. You’re taking this discussion somewhere else entirely. Just so you don’t have to admit that your guess may not be 100% correct.

Because like I said, it may or may not be a new campaign. That’s all xD


Objective = place (bunker / house / ruins) in a mission
Mission = set of 5 (invasion / confrontation / assault) or 3- 5 (conquest) objectives on a battlefield
Battlefield = map (Rhzev / Tractor Plant / Berlin / Seelow Heights) for the missions
Frontline = set of battlefields with the same common historical background

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i find it absolutely pathetic that you always need to result in this kind of vocabulary when you disagree with someone.

then tell me what it could mean? we have completed dictionary for these that we 100% know

also game mode which could be invasion, confrontation, assault, conquest, train escort, detonation.

frontlines will either be new campaign or structure above campaign that will include multiple campaigns.

But there are no campaigns since December 2023 :face_with_peeking_eye:

I thought you have to sign ndas

Yes, and? helper already said is just an event you should read more their post, you get a lot of info

I know about that, I am just curious as mods what crosses the line as violating the nda and what does not

Telling what helper post on the public forum isn’t violating anything bro is already on the forum free to be read by anyone interested or not in the game, violation of NDA mean doing leak, and i can assure you no mods, helper or any other staff member is going to do it for any reason

If “new battlefield” means two existing factions in a new map set with its own cosmetic loadout (what would have been a campaign before the merge) then doesn’t the use of “new frontline” imply a new faction?
That is of course assuming that this variation in language used has any significance at all, they very well may be meaning the exact same thing.

campaign would have meant both battlefield and frontline before, so i think:
battlefield: big map
frontline: set of maps with same BR and faction matchups (e.g. current stalingrad with stalingrad and rzhev, or normandy with normandy and ardennes)

so we could get existing faction just in new BR matchup on different map, or we could get new faction. if it is burma like they said in chinese meetup, then it could mean british could finally get a faction?