US tank with 76mm BR adjustment

These are same tanks BR comparison in wt and enlisted:

Name WT RB BR Enlisted BR
M10 GMC 3.3 IV
Panzer IV L43 3.3 III
Panzer IV L48 3.7 IV
M4A1(76)W 5.0 IV
M4A2(76)W 5.3 V
M18 GMC 6.0 IV
Panthers 6.0 IV
M4A3E2(76)W 6.3 V

It can be seen that the US tanks with 76mm in the game have been overrated.

The US 76mm M1 has slightly weaker armor-piercing performance than the German 75mm kwk40, and it is significantly worse in terms of HE (390/686 g tnt) .

So I think these tanks need to be improved:

Binoculars should be added
I think this needs no explanation. As an open top TD, it belongs to BRIII.

M4 (76)s
Both should belong to BR IV
APCR ammunition should be added
Which provides the ability to defeat Tiger II H in extreme condition (190 pen @10m → 185 armor).

APCR ammunition should be added
Binoculars should be added
Meme commander should be improved

M4A3E2 (76) W
It’s just like Tiger I but way much weaker on anti personal.


Agreed. This has been stated many many times.

agreed agreed agreed.

Except perhaps for the 76m jumbo (that thing is very heavily armored, and a superb tank, even if the gun isnt any bigger)


76m jumb basically can’t do anything in BR V. There are problems even with survival.
But I think it would make a good Infantry tank in BR IV, It can handle the BR IV tank threat, but the HE is weaker than the Crusader. So that it will not completely replace 75 jumbo.
Plus both Panzerschreck and Panzerwfaust can pen jumbo hull and turret.


True, i was more worried what the BR 3s couldnt do to it. IMO its a far better tank that both the tiger and panther (but thats from using it in warthunder, not enlisted)

Tiger 2 H and Ho Ri seem more like BR 6…


Can be front penned by a Pz III, but ok

Haha if you get machine gun ported via panzer III, Id say you deserved it lol


that’s the point.
In Enlisted, a tank’s anti-personnel efficiency is way more important than warthunder.
So I even think all sherman’s 75mm and 76mm can just be in same BR.

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In the end, I guess It doesnt really bother me. If the Jumbo 76 goes to BR 4, thats only to my benefit. (Im not convinced that it should, but nor does it effect me enough to debate it.)

while you are at it, The Firefly is a BR IV tank also



For me, BR still needs to comprehensively consider different factors, but anti-personnel efficiency has a greater weight for me. Going back to the Tiger II example, if the Tiger II H loses all HE, I think BR IV is indeed justified.

But the examples of jumbo 75 and jumbo 76 are more similar to T-34-76 and T-34-57 to me.

Comparing enlisted and WT vehicle balance is nonsense. And it should notbbe presented as legitimate justification for suggesting any kind of changes.

WT is pure vehicle vs vehicle combat game in which ww2 vehicles not only balanced between each other. But they’re mixed up with post war vehicles as well. Furthermore, WW2 vehicles in WT are spread across 7 BRs meanwhile in Enlisted it’s just 5 BRs.
Plus in WT, you can pick various kind of ammo types. That’s not a thing in Enlistedm

I am not saying the changes you have proposed are completely wrong. But justify them with balance in game that has completely different context of balancing is definitely not a proper argumention.

Back to topic, I agree with every change but this one:

  1. No, it’s not like Tiger I. Jumbo 76 has no problem to penetrate Tiger 1 basically anywhere meanwhile Tiger has to aim for weakspots
  2. version of tiger that’s more common in game is BR5, not BR4. I rarely see H1. (So even if your “it’s just like Tiger 1” was correct, it still should be BR5)
  3. its anti infantry potential is definitely not “way much weaker”.
  4. putting it to BR4 would make another BR4 76mm shermans just obsolete.

Panther is much better and it is in br 4 so i think 76mm jumbo should also be there

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Because there are basically no BR IV players.
And it’s in the folder, why don’t just reaserch Tiger II.

Tank TNT fill reload
75 jumbo 666 5
76 jumbo 390 5
Pz. IV 686 5.9
Tiger I 900 7.4

You really used US 76mm in battle? I thought anyone who had used it would know it had shit HE.
*Very different from British 76mm, they use different ammo.

So I actually hope they goes BR3.
75mm and 76mm are balanced.
One is better for AP, another is better for AT.

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I have nothing to argue with here, I mean the 76 Jumbo is up in the air, but the rest are no brainers.

Though it saddens me that even if this was accepted on the spot now, we’d have to wait about 6 months to a year to see it implemented.

Yeah the M10 is pretty terrible, people forget that it’s open topped meaning any kind of HE, HEAT will immediately one tap you every time. And if a bomb lands within like 100m of you, you die instantly.

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Yes, it’s my main tank in current BR5 lineup. I definitely haven’t experienced poor anti infantry capabilities. In fact, it feels more potent than Tiger I pre buff.

I haven’t played Tiger I since its HE fillers were buffed. So that’s something I can’t really compared.

But I definitely haven’t felt like Jumbo 76’s HEs are not enough.

The American 76 trades this for much higher HE-filler in the AP rounds, the 76mm has like 4x as much explosive filler in the APCBC compared to German 75mm. It may not seem like a big deal but being able to one shot a tank is huge due to how fast the crew replacement rate is, if you don’t kill on the first shot your enemy will probably be able to fire back.



I personally think that the all AP aftereffect in this game is good as long as it is not 0.0 tnt fill.

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Nah the weak spot’s a load of bull. A Tiger and Panther can become near immortal, but American tanks will always be able to be penned


Did the explosive mass get buffed? I could have sworn it used to be like 19 grams

So I think Jumbo 76 in BR IV will give us some fair tank battle.
They all need to seek “weakspot” to destroy each other.

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